My house

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Jackson's POV:
I walked into the residents a locker room to find Meredith and Alex.
"Hey." I said. Alex kinda grunted and Meredith smiled at me. Then April walked in.
"Hey little Red thought anymore about my offer" Alex taunted. April just rolled her eyes.
"Hey April, where and you staying?" I asked
"That is a very good question. I have no idea." She responded
"How can you not know where your gonna live?" I asked
"I don't know it wasn't a priority." She said
"I'll probably crash where ever Charles is staying then."
"He's crashing with me and there are only one bedroom" Reed said coming into the room.
"WHAT! Reed, why wouldn't you invite me to stay with you?" April asked sounding a little hurt
"You two could stay at mine." Neredith offered
"Thanks but we kinda need a more permanent place" I said
"It could be as permanent as you like." She said "my house is like a frat house. Everyone lives there."
"Literally all of us. Me and my wife live there, O'malley lived there" he lifted his head to the sky and nodded when he said that "Mer and Der live there, little grey lives there. Everyone."
"You sure it won't be too crowded?" April asked
"Well me and Derek have our room, Lexie lives in the attic, Alex and Izzie have the spare room so there are two rooms available, George's old room" this time she lifted her head up and nodded "and Izzie's old room"
"Awesome, thanks Grey." I said
"What are we paying you lot for, to sit around flapping your gums or to be doctors? Get to work" Bailey said standing at the door. We all grabbed our things and left the room.
"Who's service are you on?" Reed asked me as we left
"Sloan" I replied
"Apes?" She asked as April fell into step alongside us
"Well I have Webber, so I'll see you both later" she went to walk away but we all got paged. I saw Alex and Meredith stop a bit in front of us. "Crap!" Alex shouted as they both started to run back towards us.
"911 to the pit" April read off her pager. Then we ran after Alex and Meredith.

April's POV:
At the end of the day we went back to Meredith's house, led by Lexie, Meredith's sister. Alex, Meredith and Derek had to stay at the hospital.
"This place is huge." I said as we walked in
"And cold" Jackson commented
"Quit complaining, you have a place to live right?" Lexie remarked
"Yeah," Jackson said "and the view from here is great." He said flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs leaving them to it. I found on if the empty rooms and locked the door behind me. I sighed as I flopped down on the bed. Then I heard a loud bang as the door slammed. I went to see who it was and saw Alex storming past me into his room. I went and knocked on the door. "Alex?" I said "you okay?" He opened the door and pulled me inside. "Have you been crying?" I asked
"Shut it Kepner." He said
"Sorry!" I said offended. I started to walk towards the door
"Wait " he said, "I need to talk to someone and Mer, Cristina and Arizona are all at work"
"Okay" I said "what's up?"
"Okay for started this is a secret an you tell anyone I'll have you head. Secondly I'm only gonna tell you this if you tell me why you always look like someone just ran over your puppy whenever you see those friends of your together" I went to protest but he held his hand up "don't deny it I'm not stupid" I just nodded and accepted his terms.
"Okay, so you know how I said Izzie is visiting her family for a few weeks" I nodded, "she's not"
"Where is she?" I asked
"I don't actually know, she walked out on me. I don't know where she is or why she walked out on me all I know is that she's gone and I don't think she's comin back" he said
"Oh god Alex that's awful" I said "are you okay? Why were you crying?"
"Because she called me I heard her voice and then your stupid friend, Reed or whatever, called me over and I had to hang up."
"Sorry" I said
"Okay your turn" he said
"Why are you so sad little red?"
"Well for starters you keep calling me that. Also - no I can't say"
"No no no no no no no! You said you would so spill."
"Okay so back at Mercy West, I was with Charles. And obviously I didn't sleep with him. Anyway he cheated on me with Reed, and when I found out it's only cuz I walked in on them sleeping together. But then they didn't even go out. She ended up with Jackson. Then they split up because Jackson found out what her and Charles had done after he found me crying. We weren't really friends until that point. We still aren't really friends now to be honest. If it came to it he'd go with them so I stay with them. I don't have anyone else"
"Wow." He said "I thought I was an ass, but your friends are something else."
"Yep." I said
"Quick question?"
"Why didn't you sleep with him?"
"I don't know I just didn't."
"Okay well how are you still a virgin now?"
"Partly because I wanted my first time to be special, partly because I'm pretty sure all guys find me annoying, but mostly because no one has ever wanted me like that. I was never the pretty one or the hot one. All my sisters are gorgeous they call me 'Duckie' which means 'ugly duckling'"
"Ouch" he said
Then there was a knock at the door.
"Alex I brought booze!" Arizona said coming in "oh hi!" She said hen she saw me
"Hey, should I go?" I asked lookin between them
"No stay, you look like you could use some booze too" Arizona said
"Oh yeah, she needs booze" Alex said grabbing two glasses an handing one to me. Arizona poured wine into each of our glasses. "To crappy friends and sucky wives!" Alex toasted
"Cheers!" Me and Arizona said

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Title: My House (Flo Rida)

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