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Mark's POV:
"What are you doing here?" I asked

April's POV:
"I - is Arizona here?" I said crying
"No her and Callie took your honeymoon. Kepner why are you crying and where is Avery?"
"I, I couldn't do it Mark. I left Matthew and we got in the car and started driving away and I told him to stop the car and then he asked me to marry him and I just couldn't do it so I came here because I thought Arizona would be home and Alex and Jo live with me and Jackson so I couldn't go home and I'm sorry I shouldn't have come" I said starting to leave. He grabbed my arm.
"Get your ass inside Kepner, Avery would kill me if I let you roam the streets" he said pulling me inside the apartment. Then he got a phone call.
"Who is it?" I asked
"Karev. What's up Karev?... yeah she's with me why?..... okay I'll call him.... thanks" he said and then he hung up
"What did he want?" I asked wiping my tears
"Jackson rang him to find out where u were and he knew if you weren't there you'd be here cuz you didn't know Arizona had gone" he explained
"Oh." I said, starting to cry again, "please don't let Jackson here, I can't see him"
"I'll call him. Tell him you're safe but it to come"
"Thank you"
"Arizona still has clothes here cuz she only took her holiday stuff, you can go get changed."
"Thanks." I said walking to Arizona's bedroom. I closed the door behind me and started to cry.

Jackson's POV:
I got him and Karev and Jo were sat on the couch. I went to the fridge and got a beer.
"You sure drinking is the best idea right now?" Alex asked
"I'm a grown ass man I'll do what I want." I said sitting down on the couch next to Jo
"You okay?" She asked and I laughed, "what?" She said confused
"Bit of a stupid question really. Of course I'm not okay. I asked her to marry me. And she walked away. She didn't even say no and then let me bring her home, where I know she's safe and okay. She just walked off. Didn't tell me where she was going. I was so scared she could have died, been bit by a truck or a bus or attacked. Anything could have happened to her." I said
"Yeah well she's safe, you trust Mark right he's your best friend."
"Yeah of course I trust Mark but he won't let me go over there. I just want to see her."
"Probably not a good idea man." Alex said, "you look and smell like crap and you've downed that beer in the last 5 minutes". I got up and grabbed another three,
"I'm going to bed." I said
"Avery put the freaking beer away before you get drunk and do something stupid" Alex said getting up
"I'm a grown ass man. Karev back off you know how this feels. Izzie left you!" I shouted in his face and he pushed me against the wall
"APRIL IS NOTHING LIKE IZZIE! SHE. WAS MY WIFE AND I DIDNT KNOW WHERE SHE WAS I STILL DONT FREAKING KNOW! APRIL IS NOT THAT SELFISH OR CRUEL AND YOU DARE SUGGEST SHE IS EVER AGAIN I WILL KICK YOUR ASS HARD!" He shouted at me and then stepped back, "give me the beer Avery" he said. But I just rolled my eyes turned away and walked into my room.

Alex's POV:
"Where are you going?" Jo asked me as I grabbed my things and put my coat on.
"To friking bring April home."
"Alex she isn't gonna wanna come back and I don't wanna be left in charge of Jackson because if he decides t go round there when he's drunk I'm not gonna be able to stop him."
"I'll be 40 mins tops okay?"
"Fine but if he s much as comes out of his room I'll text you and you better get your ass back here" she said sternly
"Deal" I said kissed her on the cheek then left. I drove over to Mark's place and knocked on the door. As he opened the door he said, "Avery I told you not to- oh Karev hey. Come in" he said
"Jackson's at home and I gotta be back there soon cuz Jo doesn't wanna be in charge of keeping him there."
"He wouldn't do anything if she just stood in front of the door. He'd be too scared to hurt her" Mark laughed
"Not in his current state, he had a beer and took three more into his room he's probably wasted by now."
"Avery? Intentionally getting wasted?" Mark questioned and I nodded, "we gotta get Kepner back to him." He said worriedly.
"Yeah that's what I came to do. Where is she?"
"Arizona's room"

April's POV:
I heard a knock on the bedroom door. "Who is it?" I asked.
"It's Alex" he said through the door so I got up and let him in, "why?" He asked
"I don't know I just- I don't know"
"Come on Apes come home."
"I can't he's there."
"Yeah screwing himself over getting absolutely pissed cuz he can't function without you"
"He asked me to marry him"
"I know he mentioned it"
"And I couldn't bring myself to say yes. I wanted to- I think- but the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth. So I turned around and started walking"
"Apes he was so worried."
"I know- but I just couldn't be there with him." Then his phone rang.
He picked it up and put it on speaker.
"Hey Jo you okay?"  He asked
"Alex you have to get back here now!" She said worriedly
"What? Why?"
"Jackson just broke April's bedroom door open cuz it was locked and went inside. He's just sat in the bed drinking more beer. I came into our room because I got scared but I need you to come home please. CRAP!" She shouted
"What?!" Alex shouted back worriedly
"Jackson just left the apartment."

DONT BE SILENT READERS! Tell me what you think.
Title- Drunk, Ed Sheeran

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