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Jackson's POV:
I kept thinking about the other night at Joe's bar. April was pretty shaken up after the whole thing and she's been very quiet since. I was thinking of ways to cheer her up when Mark came up behind me. "Right my boy. Ready to head to the burns unit, we've got Lexie on our service today, she'll be helping out with the skin replacement priests of the burns patients."
"Cool" I said not really paying attention.
"She's a lucky girl, working alongside the Plastics Posse." Mark said cheerfully
"The what?" I said turning to him
"The Plastics Posse. That's us."
"No. No it's not." I said as we started o walk towards the burns unit.
"Yeah it is. PLASTICS POSSE!" He shouted
"Please. Stop saying that. It's literally the worst thing I have ever heard anyone say."
"Don't be so negative boy. Girls don't like it. They don't just want a pretty face they want a positive attitude."
"Yeah well I'm not in a very positive mood."
"What wrong?" He asked concerned
"April, the other night at Joe's bar some random started harassing her but I got us out of there. It's just she's been really quiet and jumpy ever since."
"I thought she was acting weirder than usual." Mark said
"Don't call her weird."
"Well she is." He said matter of factly
"I know but don't say it."
"She's hot too you know, you could do worse"
"Add that to the long list of things you're not allowed to say."
"Don't call April hot." I said gritting my teeth
"Well she is." He said again
"Again. I know but don't say it."
"Yes sir, I forgot you were the boss around here." He said sarcastically as we entered the burns unit and saw Lexie looking rather distressed.
"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you out of this bed. I know I know you just want to go for a walk but I can't let you out of the bed you have serious burns and you could damage the tissues more." She said struggling to keep the patient on the bed
"Dr. Grey? Is everything okay?" I asked
"Mrs. Millington doesn't want to stay in her bed."
"Well Mrs. Millington-"
"Call me Amber gorgeous." She said flirtatiously. I gave a slight laugh and said,
"Well Amber. We can't let you out of this bed. If it helps at all I can get you a shared room so you have some company."
"Why don't you be my company?" She said flirting again. I laughed again and said,
"I would but I have to work." Then I left the burns unit.

April's POV:
"Hey watch it!" Karev said as I walked into him in the hall
"S-so-sorry" I mumbled looking at the ground.
"You okay Kepner?" He asked
"I- er- yeah I'm-i'm fine." I stuttered trying to avoid looking him in the eye. I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the nearest supply closet.
"Okay Kepner what's up? For the past three days you've been walking around this hospital like a deer in headlights looking as if you could breakdown and cry like a bitch baby at any moment. So what the hell is wrong with you because if you don't get your act together I'm going to lose it." Karev said. I broke down and started to cry.
"It's just ever since that guy in the bar I've been so scared. I mean this world is an awful place. Nothing like that had ever happened to me and then I was so scared that something terrible was going to happen and it probably would have if Jackson wasn't there and this world is so crappy. I mean why do we live in a world where random guys harass girls and people go round shooting everyone." I cried. Alex stood there awkwardly for a minute before awkwardly pulling me into a hug. I cried into his chest when Arizona came in. "Oh sorry I - April what's wrong?" She asked concerned
"She's still shaken up from the other night." Alex explained
"Oh sweetie. Come here." She said pulling me away from Alex. "Everything is going to be okay."
"Do you want me to get Avery?" Alex asked
"No! Um no I'm fine" I said wiping away my tears. "You're right I need to get my act together and stop walking around like a scared puppy." I said. I took a few deep breaths and went to walk out but I turned back at the last second. "Thank you guys. Really. Thank you" then the walked out leavin them behind.

Jackson's POV:
I was looking for Alex and Arizona because I figured they'd be able to help me think of a way to cheer April up but I couldn't find any of them. I saw April walking out of the supply closet. After her Alex and Arizona came out. "Karev! Robbins!" I shouted running towards them. "I think we should do something to cheer Apes up.
"Yeah good idea Avery." Karev said
"So what were you thinking" Arizona asked
"Well we could throw her a party, but she doesn't like being the centre of attention. We could take her for drinks but she won't want to go to Joe's for a while." I said
"Well then what can we do Avery?"
"We could take her out for dinner?" Arizona said
"YES!" I shouted earning the attention of everyone around us. "We can take her to her favourite restaurant, Salvadors." I said quieter
"Great we can take her today." Arizona said
"Should we invite Mer and Cristina? Owen? Derek and Callie?" Karev asked
"Maybe just Charles and Reed." I said and he nodded. He then walked off presumably to go find them.
"All meet out front." I said. "I'll bring April out"
"Cool." Arizona said and then she left.

April's POV:
I saw Callie and Mark walking towards me.
"Oh my god Kepner you have to hear what Mark has started calling him and Jackson." Callie said
"What?" I asked
"THE PLASTICS POSSE!" He shouted and me and Callie broke down laughing.
"I did not agree to that name!" Jackson said walking towards us clearly having heard Mark's outburst
"You'll learn to love it." Mark said confidently
"I highly doubt that. April, Me, Karev, Arizona, Charles and Reed are taking you to Salvadors." I opened my mouth to argue but he cut me off "no arguements, stop saying your too tired to come out with us because we miss you and want the old April back" I just looked at him and smiled then I jumped into his arms giving him a hug. "You are the BEST friend anyone has ever had!" I cried.
"I know" he said smugly
"And you ruined it." I joked letting myself down from his arms.
"Let's go, everyone is waiting for us out front." He said and we walked outside together.

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Title: Cheers theme tune

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