Total Eclipse of the Heart

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April's POV:
Jackson was actively avoiding me since my confession. He didn't say anything after I said it so I took that as a big fat, he didn't want me. I'd told Alex what had happened and he told me that Jackson wasn't worth it and to marry Matthew. I was now relaying the story to Arizona, while me her and Alex were sat in the cafeteria. "Awww honey. Don't worry. Jackson is an ass if he can't see what a great girl he's giving up on. And Matthew loves you, just marry him."
"That's what I said." Alex said
"Thanks guys. I just feel like, me and Jackson were friends and now I screwed everything up. What if he doesn't even come to the wedding today." I rambled
"He'll come. Lexie really wants to be there and him not going means she can't. Plus it'll look suspicious" Alex said confidently
"I can't believe I'm such and idiot" I said slamming my head on the table.
"We can." Arizona said and then they both got paged.
"Mer is paging us gotta go." Alex said as the got up and gave me a hug from either side and then ran off. Leaving me alone at my table. I sighed and continued to eat me food.
"Hey apes." Lexie said sitting down.
"Hi." I said surprised, usually it was just me Arizona Alex and Jackson who actually ate in the cafeteria, the others usually ate in various other places.
"Why aren't you at home? Or at least getting ready?" She asked
"The wedding is at one. Owen said that at 11 me, Alex, Arizona, Mer, Jo and him have to leave no arguements."
"Why Hunt?" She asked
"He's gonna give me away. He's kinda like a father to me and my own dad couldn't come."
"Awwwww that's cute." She cooed. Then she said, "wait it's 11 now."
"Crap!" I said getting up and running off to find Alex, Arizona an Mer, knowing Jo was on Owen's service. I found the others and we left.

Jackson's POV:
It was two hours before the wedding and I was in surgery with Mark.
"I can't believe Kepner is getting married today." He said
"I know. It's crazy" I replied
"It really makes you step back and re-evaluate your life" he continued "if life has taught me one thing boy it's that if you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing, even if you're scared that it' cause problems, even if you're scared that it'll burn your life to the ground, you say it and you say it loud. And then go from there."

April's POV:
We got to the venue and got ready. I was in the room with the girls when Alex came in.
"Matthew just pulled up." He said then he looked at me. "Wow apes." He said "not too bad."
"Wow Alex. I think that's the nicest thing you ever said to me."
"Aww Evil Spawn has a heart after all." Mer mocked
"Yeah it just doesn't extend to the likes of you" he retorted and we all laughed.

An hour passed and we were all ready. Owen came into the room to tell us the guests were arriving and Matthew and all his groomsmen were already stood upfront. Once all the guests were seated we started to walk out. Alex and Arizona walked down together first, then Mer and Cristina and then Owen brought me out.

Jackson's POV:
I saw April and Hunt walk out. She looked beautiful. April saw me and smiled and I smiled back and nodded at her. She laughed a little. When they reached the front we all sat down. "Dearly beloved..." The preist started but I zoned out. I found myself staring at April. "If you all promise to help and support them through this marriage say we will" the preist said and the guest all said, we will. Except me. Lexie looked up at me and turned to her. She could tell what I was thinking and nodded at me. I stood up. Everyone turned to look at me. I looked around and quickly sat back down and everyone turned to the front. Then I heard Mark's words in my head "if you love someone, you tell them. Even if you're scared that it's not the right thing, even if you're scared that it'll cause problems, even if you're scared that it will burn your life to the ground. You say it and you say it loud. And then you go from there."
I stood up again. "I love you April." I said and everyone turned to look at me. "I always have. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. And I think you love me too." She looked me in the eyes and I stared at her. "Do you?"

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Title- Total Eclipse of the Heart, Jill Andrews

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