Cant help falling in love with you

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April's POV:
I woke up the next morning to Jo blow drying her hair. I was asleep with my head on Jackson's lap and we were both and last nights clothes. He was watching TV. He looked down at me.
"Hey you're up." He said smiling.
"Yeah that awful noise woke me" I said grabbing a pillow and throwing at at Jo on the other side of the room.
"Sorry." She said
"Where's Alex?" I asked
"One of his patients had to have emergency surgery last night. He didn't come home, so I ate all the leftovers. Thank you by the way for an actual meal." Then there was a knock at the door and Jo went to open it.

Jackson's POV:
"Avery go get in the car or we'll be late for our facial reconstruction."
"That's not for 6 hours and I can drive myself. I'm not even dressed yet."
"Doesn't matter you'll change into your scrubs when we get there come on"
"Mark I'm not 13 years old."
"Get in the car." He said sternly. I looked at him for a bit but then got up grabbed my coat and started to walk to the car. I heard April and Jo laughing their heads off as Mark shut the door.
"I hate you, you know that right."
"Oh shut up, i just wanted to know how Kepner's first night back was. You guys talk?" He asked as we got in the car.
"Yeah we talked. It was ... good"
"You guys banged didn't you"
"No! We did not." I said sternly, "and if you say stupid crap like that in front of her I will kick your freaking ass."
"Okay. So what did happen then."
"She explained why she wouldn't marry me. She didn't want to rush into something after literally just having run away from one wedding. I told her I loved her she told me she loved me too. And then we fell asleep on the couch. Nothing more nothing less"
"Well that sounds like it sucked. You at least back together" he asked
"I don't know...." I responded
"Avery!" He shouted
"What?!" I said defensively
"Man up. You want to be with her freaking be with her. I'm so tired of your crap and your moaning about how she doesn't love you. You know you are like a son to me and I'm always here for you but I swear to god if I hear you say that you want her but are too scared to do anything one more time I will kick your ass off of plastics I will beat your ass so hard you end up in hospital and then I'll handcuff you to your hospital bed and feed you solely Thai take out food until you ask her out."
"I hate Thai food"
"THATS THE FREAKING POINT." Mark shouted exasperated
"Damn." I said
"Sorry. I lost it there for a second." He said pulling up, "plastics posse" he said holding out his fist.
"Plastics posse" I said bumping his fist
"YOU DID IT" he shouted as we got out of the car
"Don't make a big deal..."
"PLASTICS POSSE" he said excitedly as he put his arm across my shoulders and we went into the hospital.

April's POV:
When I got to the hospital I was ambushed by Alex and pushed into the supply cupboard
"Hey how's your patient? The kid?"
"What? Oh right. He's fine. What I wanna know is what went down with you and Avery."
"Nothing much we talked we ate, admitted we loved eachother and then fell asleep"
"So you're back together?"
"I don't know"
"What do you mean you don't know"
"I mean we both love eachother but we always have and we haven't exactly had a great past and-"
"Stop that."
"Stop what?" I asked confused
"Making excuses. You love him. I don't know why cuz he's- well let's not go there I'm not his biggest fan after he came home and got wasted that night- but for some reason yeah you love him. So just be with him. It doesn't matter if you don't think it'll work. In theory me and Jo shouldn't work. We both have abandonment issues, we both run from serious situations, neither of us have had great past relationships. But we do work. So just freaking go for it. Be a freaking soldier or whatever it is"
"I am a soldier" I laughed, "thank you Alex"
"Yeah whatever, don't mention it, ever"
"Why do you do that?" I laughed and he looked confused, "you do a nice thing, a great thing, and then you don't want anyone to talk about it, to know."
"You know I'm a good guy-" he started
"You're right I do. Because you are my best friend. But I just want everyone else to."
"I don't care about everyone else. Like you said you are my best friend. Not many other people matter" he said and then he put his arm around my shoulders and we walked off.

Jackson's POV:
I was on call that night so I went to the on call room to sleep. After about 30 minutes someone came in and got into the other bed.
"Hey." I said
"Jackson?" I heard April say. I got up and turned the light on and she sat up in her bed. I went and sat on the edge of it.
"Okay so... today I was talking to Mark and you know I don't- don't get mad or upset or freak and run away but what- is what are we?"
"Oh." April said smally
"Sorry I shouldn't have asked I'm being an idiot-"
"Jackson" she said and I looked up at her "shut up and kiss me."

DONT BE SILENT READERS! Tell me what you think.
Title: Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Ingrid Michaelson

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