What you gonna do

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April's POV:
"Alex I can't see him what am I gonna say! I freaking walked away! After running away with him! How am I gonna explain that?! And he's drunk oh god Alex! What am I gonna do?"
"He's not coming in I put the chain on the door so he can't use his key and I'll answer the door when he knocks" Mark said
"Thank you." I said
"We'll loop back to why he has a key to your apartment later" Alex commented
"Well what if I need him to get me something while I'm in surgery" Mark said
"Whatever. I'm gonna go home and make sure Jo is okay." He said kissing me on the forehead. Mark let him out and then put the chain back on the door.
"You want anything Kepner?" He asked
"No I'm all good"
"Okay I'll check on you in 20"
I sat down on the edge of the bed and put my head in my hands. I decided to ring Arizona.
"Hey sweetie!" She said happily picking up the phone, "how's Jackson, you don't mind that we took the honeymoon right?" She asked
"Hey. Of course I don't mind it's not like I was going to use it."
"So what happened when you ran off and you and the new boyfriend cuddled up on your couch"
"Actually I'm at your place"
"Let me guess Mark couldn't wait to see the happy couple?" She joked, "sometimes I think Mark actually believes Jackson is his son"
"Jackson isnt here. It's just me."
"What?! Why?" She asked
I explained what happened and how Jackson was probably on his way over now, completely wasted.
"Oh honey!" She said, "you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine. I think." I said then Mark came into the bedroom
"Need anything Kenner, who's that?" He said
"I'm good thanks. And it's Arizona"
Then there was a knock on the front door.
"Crap." Mark said and we heard and key then in the door and the chain clink stopping it from opening.

Alex's POV:
I opened the front door and went in throwing my coat at the hook.
"Jo!" I shouted and she came out of our bedroom
"Alex he left like 25 minutes ago he could be there by now."
"He's not gonna do anything."
"I know that but she doesn't want to see him. And he's wasted I'm so worried about him. What if he got pulled over for drunk driving? What if he's been in a crash?"
"He'll be fine."
"I called Lexie and told her what happened."
"Why?" I asked confused
"Partly because she's my best friend, partly because she cares about Jackson, mostly because I just wanted someone on the phone and you were driving." She said
"Oh babe." I said pulling her into a hug.
"I heard her grabbing her keys while we were on the phone about 10 minutes ago. She still has a key for this place right?"
"Yeah she's probably coming to see if you're alright." Then we heard the key turn in the door.

April's POV:
"Okay." Mark shouted from the bedroom, "close the door and I'll come take the chain off and let you in but you can only stand at the door and talk to me clear?!" And then we heard the door close. Mark went out and opened the door. I heard muffled voices and then footsteps coming in.
"Mark what the hell!" I shouted coming out of the bedroom.

Jo's POV:
"Hey Lex" I shouted as we heard the key turn in the door.
"It's not Lexie" said the person staggering in.
"Jackson?!" I said confused
"Avery what the hell! Where'd you go?!" Alex shouted at him helping him over to the couch.
"I went to get more beer but I dropped it outside and needed to come get more money."
"No more alcohol for you." I said taking his keys away from him
"I'm a grown ass man" he said again
"And you're acting like a freaking heartbroken teenager" Alex commented, "go to your room and I swear to god Avery if you leave your room before morning other than to take a piss I'll kick your ass so hard you won't be able to leave it for a week."
"Yes sir." He said sarcastically before getting up and staggering to his room.

Mark's POV:
"Mark what the hell!" April said coming out of the room
"Calm down Kepner it's Lexie."
"Lex?" April said confused
"Hey I thought I'd get here before Jackson does. I was thinking maybe I could talk him down better than Mark who would kick his ass for getting drunk and driving." She explained
"Yeah that's probably a good idea" April said
"Hey! I wouldn't have been that bad" I said
"You're telling me you wouldn't kick your sons ass for drunk driving and getting wasted like a whiny teenager?" Lexie said
"Yeah okay." I admitted then I got a phone call. "It's Karev. Hey Karev..... what? ....... oh okay.... yeah I'll tell her.... okay later." I hung up and looked at Lexie and April, "Jackson's at home. He only left the apartment to get more beer."
"Oh. Thank god" April said, flopping down onto the couch and putting her head in her hands.
"I'll go." Lexie said
"Hey I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" I said
"Yeah, okay" she said and then left.
"You okay Kepner?" I asked and she just nodded. I sat down and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay" I said as she started to cry.

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Title ~ What you gonna do, Hunter Hayes

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