thirty two

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Jimin p.o.v

you feel,


This was the fifth time I had called out for mum. I knew because I was keeping track of it on my fingers. The walls of my bedroom suddenly felt suffocating and I walked to the window, pulling back the curtains. Only to close them back again.

I pulled on a shirt and looked at the suitcases that were neatly stacked upon each other beside my door. When had I packed my things? Was I going somewhere?

My phone buzzed and I plucked it from my nightstand. It was a notification scheduled to be delivered to me.

Reminder to Park Jimin:

Your caregiver will be meeting you today. You will be moving into your apartment which you used to reside in previously.


I lazily walked down the stairs, yawning and running a hand through my hair. My sweatpants were in need of changing but I was too tired to get them.

But I knew better. I didn't want to change them because by the time I'd walk up the stairs and into my room, I'd have forgotten why I was there. Or worse, not know which drawer my sweatpants were folded in.

I heard a familiar woman's voice, mother, I reminded myself and then another one. This one seemed to belong to a male and I carefully walked towards the living room to see his back turned towards me.

I could only make out the brown hair of his and the broad shoulders.

"Mum?" I called out.

She turned to me and smiled. 

I was expecting the person to turn around, but he kept his back turned to me. I felt a bit annoyed for some reason.

When finally he did, his eyes were wide and they reminded me of a cute animal I'd often see being walked by its owner on a leash. When his lips whispered my name,


Ah yes, a puppy.

But how did he know me? I didn't know him.

"Who are you?"

He slowly blinked and bit his lips. I've observed people do that when I've remarked something mean or when they're thinking. But I didn't say anything mean.

"Jimin, this is your caregiver. He'll be moving in with you at your old apartment."

I rolled my eyes at her and huffed.

"I'm not a kid, mum. I'm sure I can wipe my own ass without forgetting what toilet paper is."

Beside her, the male sucked in a breath and I annoyingly looked over at him. His features displayed an expression I couldn't care enough to decipher. His eyes travelled to my wrist, staring a bit too long at my bracelet.

I don't know why, but it pissed me off. The way he was studying me filled me with an odd feeling. The way he looked so understandingly, so in contrast to the pity others sent me, the way he looked back up at me as if he knew something I didn't.

It fucked me up.

The woman -mother- stepped forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead, whispering into my ear to be nice. And with that, we walked her to the front porch where the driver was.

"I'm sure you can take care of the rest," she said to the male, who appeared younger than me.

"The driver for both of you will be here in a few to take you to the apartment," and with that, she took one last look at me and stepped inside the car.

Once she was gone, I headed back in and plopped down on the couch. The guy appeared seconds later, staring at me again.

"Can you not?"

His eyes widened.

"Don't fucking stare at me like that. Hell, it's annoying." I hissed.

The way he stood in those dirty sneakers. The way his hair plastered to his forehead. The way that scar rested upon his cheek when I had secretly took a glance at him to notice it.

It made me so damn uncomfortable.


it felt so fucking familiar.

And what fucks me up even more is that I don't know why.

I stood up, waiting for him to say something.

He walked closer to me and cleared his throat. As nervous as he looked, his stare didn't falter.

The clock ticking made my forehead burn and my eyes twinged. This guy is so weird.

"I'm your caregiver, J-Jeon Jungkook."

And he stuck out his hand.

Jeon Jungkook.

For the first time, or perhaps the hundredth time, (I don't know, I couldn't remember) my dying brain told me that this name was one to be remembered.

So when I shook his hand as well, and when he hauled down my luggage, even when he double checked all the locks on the windows,

even when the driver drove us to where we needed to go and I pretended to look outside his window even though I was secretly glancing at him,

even when he unlocked the apartment's door and even when he asked if I needed anything,

even then, I repeated his name over and over in my brain.

So when I mumbled a hesitant 'thanks' when he'd brought me a glass of juice, and looked up at him, expecting myself to forget who he was,

but that didn't happen.

Because when I felt the tug in my chest and twitch in my hand when my fingers grazed his,

I remembered his name; Jeon Jungkook.


too familiar.

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