Big Question

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"I'll let you two talk." Gen stated before leaving the room.

"What's up, Sarah? Are you ok?"

"I am now. I just wanted to say sorry for kinda shoving you away last night. There's a lot of family stuff going on."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I was in bed already anyways. You didn't want to talk then and I get that."

"Thanks for being understanding. I appreciate it."

"Of course. I'm here if you want to talk about anything." I nodded. Everyone hung out for the day and things were going great.

Months flew by and we did everything as we planned. While Jared was filming, I stayed with him. I still went out with Tyler and I was actually enjoying life.

"Hello?" I asked as my phone rang. It was Tyler.

"Hey. I'm done filming. You want to take a walk with me?"

"Sure. I'd love to. I'll meet you in the park in 20." I left after locking up and met Tyler in the park. We took a nice walk when he stopped and looked me dead in the face emotionlessly. I turned around expecting someone standing there but there was no one. "What's wrong, Tyler?" I asked.

"Nothing. Nothing." We kept walking. I grabbed his wrist gently.

"Tyler, it's not nothing. What's going on?"

"It's ruining the surprise but I was going to propose. I'm not sure I should though. Not because I don't love you. I do, but my parents will never approve. I haven't even told them I have a girlfriend. My parents are pretty shallow people. They want me to have a girl who is a size zero and has a steady high paying job so that I don't have to work and not have kids because they take away from a relationship. I disagree with that completely and I don't know where my parents got this from. They didn't say that specifically but they made those criticisms about all my other girlfriends. I didn't introduce you to them because I didn't think they'd approve. I think they want me to have a girl that I can be in the spotlight with and still fit into every societal norm. I don't actually know. I'm too scared to propose because they won't accept you and if I don't get my parents' blessing on this wedding, I'm not allowed to have it. It's just how my messed up Californian family is." He explained. I led him to a bench. We took a seat.

"Tyler, if you love me then propose and marry me anyways. What your parents think shouldn't matter. What matters is what you think. If you're ok being with someone who isn't a size zero, not having a full time high paying job, and maybe have kids with me down the road, then marry me. If you agree with your parents, then don't." I told him honestly.

"I love you how you are and disagree with my parents. I'm willing to try to get my parents' blessing and if it doesn't work, I will still marry you. Sarah, will you marry me?" He opened up his little box as he got on one knee.

"Yes. I will, Tyler." We finished up our walk and I went back to the apartment. I went inside and Jared was sitting there waiting for me with an angry look on his face.

"Where were you?"

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went. I was on a walk with Tyler in the park. I thought I'd be back before you got home."

"Why didn't you text me?"

"I forgot to text before I left and I thought about it partway through but I got sidetracked." I explained.

"Sidetracked doing what?"

"Dad, I'm engaged." I told him happily. His look of anger was replaced with one of happiness.

"Valid excuse." He stated with a smirk and looked at my ring. "I'm texting Gen." He took a picture of my hand and sent it to Gen with the caption Our girl is engaged! She texted back congrats and told me how happy she was.

"Dad, it's not all good news though. His parents will never approve and he's worried about it. His parents expect him to be with someone who fits every societal standard there is and he hasn't even told them about me for that reason. He will tell them and he'll marry me regardless but he's worried, I'm worried, and I'm also worried about how this will change things with us and with mom and the boys."

"Why are you worried about us?"

"Because once I'm married to him, I'm leaving you once and for all. I'll have my own place with him but that means losing you and mom all over again. I'm also abandoning my little brothers and I don't want to hurt them."

"It'll be ok. Just keep in touch. That's all we ever ask. You have a while until then anyways. Don't worry about it. We'll figure everything out." I nodded.

Time flew and despite his parents not approving, Tyler and I did get married. It was a wonderful wedding. JJ was our little flower girl and Tom and Shep were our little ring bearers. Tyler and I had a great marriage and it was the best decision I ever made.

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