|Chapter 19: Abducted|

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Back at home that night, as much as I had hoped it wouldn't happen so I could flee this ensnarement deemed my predicament with Jason, and hoped it would happen because it meant spending more time with Jason, he eventually called after dinner.

Actually, it was in the just at the end of dinner. I was halfway walking up my stairs having just been excused from a rather tedious dinner with minimal chatter to hear my phone ringing.

"Oh, gosh," I muttered, hurriedly sprinting up the stairs and darting to my room. I remembered not to say oh, God because Mother frowns upon that. There was still a chance she might have heard but I took the safe option anyway.

With my phone on the bed, I fell to my knees in front and picked up the phone just in time. Breathless, I said, "Hello," to the person on the other end. Due to the rapidity, there had been no time to check the caller ID.

"Do I want to know why you're breathless?" a guy replied. Jason.

"I had to run up the stairs because I heard my phone ringing." My breathing was regulating now.

"I don't believe I asked why you were panting, but thanks for informing me."

"Why are you calling, Jason?" I replied bluntly and straight to the point. I even rolled my eyes but he couldn't see and nor would he even care.

He sighed. "You really know how to express compassion for someone, you know. I'm calling to see whether you had received anymore notes."

"Well, before I answer, can I ask something?"

"I suppose," he breathed, conflicted between actually letting me ask or just completely denying my request.

"Shouldn't you be at school half of the time? I mean, Sabrina came into my school today. And you came with a group of guys to my school once before..." I trailed off, already leaving the prompt there and evident.

"We have free periods and missing a few lessons doesn't affect our grades. As long as we catch up, the teachers don't give a rat's ass, really. But you just said Sabrina came into your school. What did she say?"

"She said she was your girlfriend and then she went to slap me. I don't know why. But Miles was there and he grabbed her arm and stopped her. Then she just walked off. But after that, there was a note in my locker."

"What did it say?"

"About Miles being the hero by stopping Sabrina from slapping me. That he was a knight in shining armour, but he wasn't you."

"Huh," responded Jason. "Seems like someone told Miles what to do. But you know, I wouldn't have guessed Sabrina would ever be jealous of a rich girl."

"And why is that?" I questioned. "And why was she even going to slap me?"

"She knew you had been to my house and she got the wrong idea. She thinks I screwed you. And she wouldn't be jealous because if you hadn't noticed, she's a bit of a bitch. She's strong and doesn't give one what others think of her."

The wince and contortion of my face loitered for several moments due to Jason's preferable choice of phrasing for "screwing you" and the fact that he had just classified Sabrina as a bitch. Both deterred me, but trying not to show it, I pressed on with, "Right. Okay. Well, next time, if you could try a little harder to convince her the truth, it would be more than appreciated."

"Well, if you weren't so rich and posh, I would make it my aim to screw you. But all dreams come crashing down, don't they?"

My head shook automatically. "I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult, personally."

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