|Chapter 54: Spying|

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"Still no change with the family?" Lizzie asked. She was merely playing with her baby potatoes and manoeuvring them around the school plate, albeit she had eaten a few. But the majority still loitered on the plate.

"No," I breathed absently. "No words from them. Only Abigail has said any more words to me since I left. She says she's on my side now."

"How is living with Jason and his brother?"

"Alex," I clarified. "And it's good." A flush crept abruptly up to my cheeks and neck, warming up my skin. "It's good."

Lizzie dropped her fork onto her plate, causing a loud clatter and many people jumping in their seats to gawk at the cause of the clattering. When they realised it was only Lizzie and I, they turned back around in their seats and we were left to speak freely again. "You had sex!" she screeched in an alarmingly high whisper.



"You cannot blurt that out like that!"

"So you did!" She seemed pretty happy with herself to have divulged this information from me as well as guessing accurately. Now I could only optimistically hope that she would keep vital information to herself and never speak the same words ever again to anyone.

"Fine," I gave in, "I had sex with him." I looked to the sides of me to make sure no one was still gazing at us and would have just heard our discussion. "Okay? I said it."

Lizzie looked rather pleased with herself as she replied with, "I knew it. How was he?"

Against my own will, I mumbled back with, "He was good."

This seemed to spark some more elation in her because her smile broadened into a grin and she even stuffed a baby potato into her mouth. A whole baby potato that she was now chewing with her mouth closed. Fortunately for this, this meant a prolonging in the next inevitable conversation. However, it never came because before she swallowed it all down, I opted for a amendment to the conversation topic rather than progressing on with conversing about my own sex life.

"Jackson got some of his minions to go round to the garage when Alex was working," I said. "They told him that he had to be the messenger for Jason and I. He said that the big finale's coming, and the town will never be the same again."

"That's just creepy," she observed. "And weird. A lot weird, actually. What do you think he'll do?"

"I have no idea, Lizzie, and I honestly dread to think."

My eyes averted around the lunch hall to all of the students. As I ate one of my own baby potatoes, my eyes abruptly landed on the table where Miles and his friends were situated. And who should be staring back at me but Miles. His eyes were firmly on me and he looked somewhat intent. Without any other movement, he turned away and immersed himself in conversation with the boy sat next to him. I turned back to my own food.

It wasn't long until it was our next exam which was Physics. Lizzie was virtually going through the protocol of a mental breakdown outside of the main school hall. She said to me, "How can you be calm when we have a Physics exam next? All those equations and technical terms just make my head hurt."

"Mine too," I said. "But I'm not focusing on the exam right now."

"Forget about what Jackson's workers said." Having previously had her fingers knotted in her hair, she dropped her hands to her sides and said, "Jason and Alex will be working by the time you make it back to their house. Stop worrying, okay? They will protect you. You know they will. Especially Jason."

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