|Chapter 25: Home Sweet Home|

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When I awoke, I was lying on my side with my head on Jason's lap.

Shifting round onto my back, Jason's eyes were peering down at me. Quickly, I bent my head forwards to make sure my top hadn't fallen down and exposed too much. Grasping the tip of my top and yanking it up, I sat up quickly and turned to Jason.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"About an hour," he breathed, glancing up at the clock suspending on the wall by the TV in the corner. "So I think it's best you get back home. Your family will be worrying about you – especially if they've seen the News."

"There weren't any cameras there," I retorted, thinking back to the scene. A chill ran through my body so the thoughts immediately ceased and perished from my mind.

"No, but they can report the appearance of the teenage girl," said Jason. "Come on, go to the toilet and I'll drive you to your car, okay?"

Scurrying upstairs to the toilet, it was only when I grudgingly looked in the mirror did I realise just how ghastly I appeared. Makeup was slightly smeared; my top was consistently descending outrageously low to uncover my bra and my hair looked like a bird's nest. To conclude, my appearance "would not be suitable for anyone to look at," which would be quoting my oh-so lovely mother.

Conscious of the fact that Jason was waiting downstairs for me – as he was probably having a fag and killing himself slowly – I hurried up to acquire a presentable appearance. Once accomplished, I quickly did my business on the toilet before trotting down the stairs. The repulsive stench of smoke was frighteningly high. Involuntarily I coughed and Jason rolled his eyes, immediately spraying cologne around him.

"Satisfied your needs yet?" he asked, his lips toying up into a smirk. "Or would you like to wait before I do that?"

"That's not funny," I replied. "Let's just go."

The ride to my own car consisted of giving Jason instructions to the situation of my car. When we arrived, he pulled up at the side of the road and killed the engine. He was avidly staring at the car for a moment longer than I had preferred.

"Do you think my stuff is still in there?"

Jason nodded. "Probably. It's not a very common road this, is it? To avoid another breech of the law, they probably locked your car so other people won't steal anything because if they had and you reported it to the cops, they'd have to take Jackson and his lot into questioning for abduction and possible stolen goods."

What Jason said hadn't made much sense, but I ignored that minor factor. Instead, I said, "Thank you for today... you know, saving me. I don't think many guys would run through a burning building for some rich girl."

"You're not just some rich girl," he breathed quietly. "And anyway, where's the thrill in life without some risks? You're surprisingly calm now after what happened today, anyway."

"Thank you, but I could say the same about you," I repeated softly, staring Jason's profile.

Jason turned his head to me. His eyes met mine almost instantaneously. There was a fleeting wait before he said, "I told you: I'm always there for you. Call me when you're in need, and I'll be there."

Without replying with words, I leaned in and my lips connected with Jason's cheek in a chaste kiss. Letting my lips linger there for a few moments, I pulled back slightly. Jason's face was tilted slightly and his eyes were flickered consistently down from my eyes to my lips when he said, "What was that for?"

"For saving me and telling me I'm not just some rich girl."

Jason's hand was about to reach up when an obnoxiously loud sports car zoomed past us, leaving behind a trail of black smoke. The startle caused me to fling back into my seat from the sudden movement of the seatbelt. Breathing heavily, I caught my breath for a moment and then looked back at Jason. We both erupted in light-hearted chuckles.

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