|Chapter 23: Taken|

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All that night, I was restless.

Relentlessly turning over in bed, I just couldn't find the energy to relax my body and actually fall asleep – quite ironic, really. It wasn't until about three in the morning did I managed to drift off, but then woke up at about four. This continued until eight in the morning. Consequentially, I was late getting up.

"Get up!" Mother pestered, knocking on my door. "You're going to be late for school, and you have to take Abigail in because her friend is ill!"

Groaning in a very unladylike manner, I hauled my own body out of bed and dragged it to the nearby bathroom. One – as what my family deem it as – limitation to our house is that only my parents have an en suite, not Alex, Abigail or I. Then again, I was impartial. I just wanted to feel somewhat normal and this was a step to it.

After managing to just scrape into school on time after a rushed routine of getting ready and eating breakfast, I still managed to find time to go to my locker and meet up with Lizzie by hers who was waiting with Matt. Actually, she was lip-locked with him, evidently having forgotten about my nonattendance and tardiness. Abigail just ambled past me with her group of friends, barely perceiving my existence. Ah, makes two then, doesn't it? Or three if you include Matt.

"Lizzie," I said, breathless, "we need to go to homeroom."

Lizzie, after a fleeting pause, pulled back from being lip-locked with Matt and nodded. Her cheeks were flustered as she nodded. "Right, yeah. I'll see you later, Matt. I love you," she said.

Matt kissed her forehead and said, "I love you too."

"I have something to tell you," I said. "Wait until we get into homeroom."

Buzzed from having her curiosity piqued, Lizzie virtually pranced into homeroom and jumped down into her seat, barely retracting it from under the table. Gracefully placing myself upon the chair – after pulling it out – Lizzie abandoned all respect and threw her bag into the table. I gently deposited mine in front of me. Mother went ballistic at Abigail who said she required a new bag because hers broke.

"You have about three months until the summer!" Mother shrieked. "You need to have more respect for your own possessions!" Admittedly, she went a little overboard and enhanced the emotions, but Abigail merely nodded her head and they came to the compromise that Abigail had to purchase her new bag – which she was utilising today.

"So, spill," said Lizzie.

Just at that moment, Miles and his band of merry followers strutted into the room, absorbing everyone's enticement to them. Turning my head to Lizzie, I kept my lips pursed and wordless until they'd passed and sat down. Then I divulged the information to her.

"Jason text me last night and told me to meet him at his in the middle of the night. When I did, he took me to this hill and below shows the whole of Greensville."

"Oh, that's romantic," commented Lizzie, closing her eyes and envisioning it. "But also cliché."

"Right, that's what I said. But then he told me that it was actually one of his brother's who told Jason about that place. He told me stuff about him family that he said he had never told anyone else before... not even Sabrina. And he said he likes to be romantic with a girl and spoil her. Just not to-"

"Just not to Sabrina," Lizzie interjected, a grin coiling at her lips. "So you know what he was insinuating? He wants to spoil you!"

"Sh!" I hushed. "Miles is behind us somewhere and he already abhors Jason's guts. But then Jason said that one thing he would do to be romantic would kiss the curves of a girl," I began, shifting slightly in my sat, "and later on he said it to me but I don't know if he was being serious or not."

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