|Chapter 26: A New Environment|

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"So what happened?" Lizzie asked, leaning against my car. "And it's going to be warm when we get in the car, you know."

The sun was out today with minimal cotton candy clouds in the sky to accompany it. Its rays were streaming down and scorching us all. Girls were beginning to wear dresses or skirts and cut-off tops. Teachers, by this point in the year, every year, had given up enforcing the clothing conduct and let the minor clothing breeches slip.

However, after this little congregation at my car, we would have a week off from school because it was Spring Break. Lizzie had been off for a few days and only come back today claiming she was vomiting an exceptional amount into the toilet. Needlessly, I requested to acknowledge fewer details but evidently, there wasn't any deniability and she kept rambling on.

Having to fill Lizzie in on everything with Jason from the kidnap to the burning building to being saved, I saved the meet up until last.

"That evening, Jason had to meet up with Jackson to discuss future dealings and whatnot."

Lizzie flicked her few inches of hair behind her shoulders. Her sister had recently put in new extensions and her short hair was becoming irritable for her now, despite how much I rave on about the warnings of extensions.

"He said Jackson would be in contact in a few days but he hadn't contacted him. So last night when Jason was closing up the garage, Jackson came round without any minions or whatnot and just said that everything had been sorted and Jason wasn't needed. Then Jackson just left without anything else. Jason said it was bizarre." I adjusted my grip on my portfolio in my hands and pulled my designer bag further over my shoulder.

"So Jackson got released after the kidnapping and burning building predicament?" Lizzie clarified.

"He had to have been considering he met up with Jason last night," I deadpanned. "But yes. He got released on bail. His workers all worked together and paid the sum of money, Jason said."

"Why don't you just date Jason?" asked Lizzie abruptly.

Staring at her in sheer astonishment, I was taken aback. "Because he's from The District and I'm from The Valley. It's virtually prohibited, Lizzie. And you know what my family are like. My parents are... they're struggling to maintain the relationship, you know. They'd surely settle for divorce if I came in and announced a relationship with a bad boy. I'd be disowned."

"You don't know that that would happen for certain," she protested, jagging her finger at me. The last line of cars was exiting the parking lot. "And they wouldn't get a divorce. They'll get through this, you know they will. And they'd accept Jason."

"Right," I relinquished, "okay."

It was true. Father was spending more time at work whilst Mother was just doing her normal duties there. She did predominantly stay at home and fulfil her objectives of cleaning the house. Father was becoming stressed from the pier construction and he was showing it at home. There wasn't any ignition between the two and they acted like an old couple whose affection would be a rarity. Then again, it had always been somewhat like this.

Lizzie tugged on the door handle and groaned. "Aren't you going to open the car up?"

Unlocking the car, I went round to the driver's seat and got in. We both chucked our bags in the back of the car leaning against the seats as I put my portfolio delicately in the foot well behind Lizzie's chair. Then I got the engine to roar to life and now a new topic had begun. This time, it lasted the duration of the journey to her house.

"You know, Miles' friend, Blake is having a house party tonight to celebrate the commencement of spring break. You should definitely come with me," she said.

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