|Chapter 34: Surrendering Seducer|

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"Where are we going?" Isabella queried.

Sitting beside me in my Jaguar XF as we cruised down the danger-lurking streets of Downtown District, I was sure Isabella was beginning to pick up a few interrogating skills from Lizzie the Investigator. It turns out, not only had Isabella been curious about our future whereabouts tonight, but also Lizzie had been asking incessantly according to Isabella's texts.

"Are you not patient?" I asked her, glimpsing fleetingly at her before turning back to the road.

You had to watch out for the perils that could spring up on the roads at night. Nightlife was a big part of The District. It's when people's minds turned evil and their characters took a turn for the worse. Criminals would run a riot every night, breaking in to wherever they could and steal whatever seemed valuable. Drug addicts would conceal themselves in the darkness in alleyways and smoke or snort some type of illegal drug.

Needless to express, no one should ever walk the streets of Downtown District at night unless they want their life to be in tatters after that night.

"Could you not have figured it out from your attire?" I put on my indicator to turn left into a road which was a strip of nightclubs.

Isabella was wearing high-waisted shorts, a crop top and her leather jacket. I told her to make sure she would be adequate for heat but also the night air outside. This is what she came up with. As well as about five inch heels too. She didn't even bring a clutch or bag because her phone was slipped in a pocket of her shorts.

"Should we be doing this?" she asked, staring intently at the street in front of it. "On a school night."

The road in front wasn't lit up by street lightning, but instead the vivid colours and lights of the signs of each nightclub. There must be about seven a long this road. Three on the left side and four on the right side of the road. Despite this being the poorer half of the town and you'd think nightclubs wouldn't do so well because of the admission fee, it wasn't astonishing to witness people coming in from Marble Valley, breaking the tradition of a posh person and going into a nightclub.

Isabella's jaw was ajar. It seemed like she was in awe of the nightclubs like, Surrendering Seducer and Envied or Flame and Fire Passion. The typical theme of the lights was a raging crimson colour; it reflected onto the streets, almost making it seem more eerie than appealing.

"We're going to a nightclub?" she said. Her hand reached up to her hair that was tied up in a messy bun. "I won't fit in."

We pulled up on a less-used car park nearby. We had a little bit of ambling to do before we arrived. I took these next few moments to survey Isabella. In her gait, she really did stand out. She wasn't hunched over. She kept her shoulders down and back, her chin high and her back straight. Not once did she slouch her shoulders or hunch over.

You'd think she'd relax a bit considering she had to sneak out at about eleven at night in her house to be here with me now in The District.

For a fleeting second, it made me smile. Once you took the time to really survey someone you had feelings for, you could pick up on their smaller habits that perhaps at one time you wouldn't have perceived. It was then when it occurred to me when I used the word "feelings" in that sentence.

I couldn't dwell on it for a moment longer because we were outside Surrendering Seducer.

"Inside we go?" Isabella prompted.

"Not yet," I muttered.

Standing opposite Isabella, she was nearly as tall as me. I held my hands up to her hair and pulled back the bobble and clips. Her hair fell onto her back and cascaded down in tight waves. Then I pulled it onto her chest and began ruffling it slightly. Despite her hair being an angelic blonde colour and her structured walk, she was beginning to fit in with the crowd that was the commoners of Downtown District. I handed her the bobble and clips and she put them in her pocket.

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