|Chapter 62: Just One Thing|

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"Can I just listen to this please?" I asked the paramedic, gesturing to what Isabella's family had to say. "They're talking about me. I saved his daughter."

The paramedic was beside himself. "You really need medical advice, young man. Please, just get in the ambulance."

"It will take two minutes at the most," I bargained. "Please."

Truth be told, my arm was becoming increasingly lighter as the time ticked on that I wasn't getting more blood or having the wound attended to. Plus, I was in agony too, but living in The District meant not showing fear or pain easy, so I managed to conceal that. However, I was desperate to listen to what Isabella's family had to say.

"Two minutes," demanded the paramedic. "That's all. But you're staying right here where I can see you."

Accepting, I turned around just in time to listen to what Isabella had to conclude with.

"Jason has spent his life trying to make sure he was safe and he had a stable environment. He worked in his and his brother's garage to earn his money, he still went to school and he had a house. He had it good, but not everyone's like that. He got money passed down from his family. He stayed safe and guarded, though he hated The District. He hated the way people judged him because he lived there and because he wouldn't be able to afford anything in The Valley. But he still endured the torment he got, and the judging."

Then finally, Isabella's father took over with, "I want to make sure that this town becomes a better place. The District will be the first to be helped in any way possible. That's a promise. And I will do everything in my power to make it happen with the people around me."

Then everyone started clapping and the paramedic put his hand lightly on my shoulder and said, "All right, back in the ambulance now."

"Will you help him?" I blurted out, following him into the back. "With helping The District and all that."

The paramedic looked thoughtful before saying, "Yeah, I will. I wish Greensville was a better town and wasn't so divided, but who would listen to just a simple paramedic? Now, let me take a lot at this, okay?"

So after checking the wound and attending to it in any way that he could, he did that on the voyage to the hospital. It was only after about five minutes did he say, "Put the sirens on and hurry!" to the drivers.

I knew better than to ask if something was wrong. I stayed silent all the way to the hospital in The Valley and even then. More doctors came to look at the wound and then attend to it. Because it was just caused by a knife – I would have been in serious trouble if I had been shot and given a flesh wound – I just needed stitches and bandages put on my arm. After that I was sat up in bed and being asked to eat something.

"You lost an awful lot of blood," the doctor said, frowning at me. "But it's not seemed to affect you much so I don't think you need a blood transfusion."

"So I'm okay?" I clarified.

"As okay as we can hope. Your body will produce more blood and get your levels back up so eat something to help it along. Then I would like you to get some rest. You've had quite a shock, Jason." Then he left not long after, just to make sure I was eating something. A moment later he popped his head back in and said, "Do you want me to let in your guests?"

"Yes please," I said hastily as I was eating a biscuit and then consequentially choking on it.

The first person in the room was of course, Isabella. She rushed to my side and leaned in to a tight embrace at once. It was only when I cringed and generated a rather inelegant noise did she draw back and say, "Are you all right?"

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