|Chapter 38: Marble Gardens|

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Jason arrived just down the street of mine at around half eleven.

By this point, I was already dressed for the occasion.

Having to endeavour to fall elegantly from the roof balcony I had, I raced across to Jason's car down the street as quietly as I could. He seemed somewhat surprised to see only me, devoid of my car. That's when I told him a little announcement.

"I'm going to drive your car," I said, smiling innocently at me.

Jason, dumbfounded and drowned with befuddlement, seemed to take a few moments to compose himself. Then he said, "Just because I trust you, I'm going to let you drive my car, alright? But don't be too hard on her. She's running low on gas."

Rolling my eyes, Jason got out of the Jaguar XF and made his way round to the passenger side. I got in the driver's side and adjusted my outfit adequately as Jason took his time. My attire was a high-waisted skirt, a crop top and a leather jacket. This would probably be an outfit Mother wouldn't approve of, but for me, it was something more risky and outlandish and so much more liberating.

I started my drive with Jason sat beside me, staring avidly out of the car window at the scenery. Despite it being somewhat dark, you could still distinguish finer details and especially the ambient lightning as we made our way past the shops that were still open for a little bit longer. I suppose that was a perk of living in Marble Valley.

"So, where are we going?"

"We're about ten minutes away."

"I don't think you answered my question, Issy," remarked Jason, turning his head to stare at me in a sort of amused way. "In fact, I think you deflected my question."

Smiling jubilantly to myself, I stayed silent. When Jason realised that I wasn't about to disclose our future destination to him, he tried a bit of a different tactic of unveiling the information. His hand reached out and laid gently on top of my bare thigh. His hand was warm on my thigh, made cold by the air conditioning blowing gently out of the vents.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I didn't realise Marble Valley was so clean and posh," he replied nonchalantly.

"Okay," I began, turning my indicator on to turn right, "you do come to The Valley because it's where you race and I saw you one time in the mall. Plus, I believe you just deflected my question."

"Two can play at that game, huh?" he retorted, squeezing my thigh gently for emphasis.

Comprehending what he was doing, I was able to tolerate his hand situated on my thigh until he began caressing it with his thumb. At first he started slowly and tenderly. Then he began using his whole hand, rubbing up and down my thigh causing goose bumps to rise on my thigh. Then, with only minutes to go until our final destination, his hand slowly edged up higher and higher up my thigh until the tips of his fingers were tickling the front of my underwear.

"Is that," I breathed squeakily and rapidly, "really appropriate for someone who is driving?" I managed to tone my voice down so it seemed more natural for the second half of my question. With the first, there was no way to amend that now.

Turning to Jason, he had a smirk on his lips as he turned to me. Then he turned back to the road. Silence had lapsed between us. His fingertips were still brushing against the front of my underwear and before I had any time to prepare myself, he slipped two fingers underneath and pulled it over to the side.

Not one for vulgar labels, I have only ever called it genitals, despite Lizzie's rants that I should be calling it vagina at the very least. Still, right now, names had flown out of my head and even my attentiveness was lapsing on the road as I turned left into a little side street. We were so close now.

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