|Chapter 56: Rain and Fire|

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"It's the opening of the pier this Friday," said Lizzie. "After all our exams are over."

I had been staying at Lizzie's for the past few school days, and also the weekend. And not possessing any desire to betray her parent's good hospitality, I hadn't been sneaking out at night to visit Jason. Lizzie said it was fine and she'd cover, and I hadn't seen Jason for awhile now. We'd only been conversing on the phone or via texts. I missed him. He also didn't want to tell me anything through phone in case they were being tapped into.

"Has construction finished? I haven't spoken to my parents since... since they came round. I don't think they're allowed to," I whispered. "Considering they're being watched."

"It should be finished tomorrow if they're still on track. Then it's just a few adjustments for the opening. Even the businesses on the pier are complete and prepared. And true, but I still think they'll want you there. Your father's worked hard on this. It's stressed him out a lot and I think it would mean a lot if you went and saw it. Even if you can't talk to them, if they see you, they'll be happy."

"Just one more week of exams to get through. At least there's time in the day to revise," I said happily. Or as happily as one could be when going through end of high school exams.

Lizzie chuckled lightly.

In the morning, we were warranted to do revision in the lunch hall and library, and even outside because it was a nice day. It was only at lunch time did the clouds begin to disfigure the sun's rays. Most people were muttering that a storm was coming soon, and it was halfway through the English exam could you hear the rain lashing down on the roof.

Some of the invigilators were pacing around the room, glimpsing idly at one another. Most of them seemed to shrug in response, but others looked rather worried. A few even managed to escape the ensnarement of the room and they departed early out of the front doors of the school. Not all of them could go, however, because they required a certain number of invigilators as a minimum to stay and observe the exam.

At the end of the exam, I knew I had done the best I could. It was only Lizzie who managed to deflate me as she virtually bounced out of the main school hall after me. "That went so well!" Apparently the rain wasn't much of a deterrent for her when she was focusing intently, I mused. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah," I said. "Do you think we're allowed to go home now?" I asked, carelessly pointing to the doors and the view outside which was the rain, obscuring most of the parking lot.

Lizzie frowned. "I didn't realise it was raining so badly. It's meant to be summer." Figures, I thought. She really was in her zone in the exam. "Let me go ask, and then let me find Matt. I'll be back in a minute, okay?"

The enormity of the dilemma of now being alone meant I had only just realised I was still pointing to the parking lot. Just as I was about to drop my hand, someone walked straight into it. Lowering it hastily, I looked up to see Miles swaggering past me. He looked down at me with a glint of something in his eyes. Then he decided to stop after glancing around seeing I was devoid of Lizzie or Matt's presence.

"Alone then?" he asked.


"Where's Lizzie?"

"She's gone to see if we can go home now because of the storm. Why are you talking to me, Miles?" Exasperation was running high right now, and talking to him was not something I needed. Aware of how much he and Jason abhorred one another, I didn't particularly want to associate myself with Miles. I'll happily associate myself with my boyfriend who lives in The District, but not my ex-boyfriend who lives in The Valley. That really must say something about both myself and my choice in guys.

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