|Chapter 40: Opposite's Don't Attract|

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By night time, I dressed casually.

I wasn't going for the typical risky attire. And despite it still being somewhat warm outside, I opted for jeans and a baggy top. It was enough for the warmness of the night and for what was about to happen, I was already sweating.

I drove to Jason's like we planned. He let me in and declared that Alex was out for the majority of the night so we had the place to ourselves. Initially this wouldn't have bothered me under diverse circumstances. Right now, I desired to be in someone else's presence as well so Jason couldn't kick off. I had no idea what he was capable of, after all.

Then I saw Jason in his room and he was natural. He wasn't as tense and as a substitute, he was loose. He sat back on his bed and then laid down, gesturing for me to emulate. He left a little room next to me. He even wore a smile that presented his white teeth.

After the rather blunt and direct texts between Jason and I back when I was at school, we turned back to usual: flirty yet witty. It felt nice and refreshing. I didn't want to do what I had to and now, I didn't want to do it at all. It was at the back of my mind and it was going to stay immobile there.

Leaning down on the bed, I laid on my stomach and faced Jason. His arm that was lying across the pillow, anticipating my presence there, now lowered so his hand was in my hair. "Come closer to me," he whispered. The smile had vanished.

Leaning up, our lips connected at once, and he didn't dillydally. Our tongues were brushing against one another's before twisting and dancing together. His hand moved to my shoulder and the other was moving down my back. It was slow but there was still an abundance of tingles running up and down my spine.

Just when I felt it was getting a bit too heated for my preference, I pulled back. Jason's hand was on my cheek. His hand was slightly calloused and he would always have some grease marks on his hands from working in McCann Motors.

Then he whispered, "For as long as I've known you, I've always been trying to deny the inevitable, but I can't do it any longer." He paused. "I'm falling more and more in love with you every time I see you."

My stomach dropped because it dawned on me then that that was also true for me.

Bowing my head, I leaned back and sat up on the bed. Jason's hand dropped from my cheek and fell to the bed with a thud. Jason sat up, wrinkling his face up in perplexity. Leaning back against the headboard, he asked what was wrong.

Mother's words were ringing through my head. You have to sit up otherwise you're going to be hunch-backed when you're older, Isabella, and that is not how a lady should ever look. Shoulders back and down, chin high, and back straight.

"What future do we have?" I murmured. "You can't tell me you're falling in love with me, Jason."

"Don't you feel the same?"


Silence because it's true.

"We can make our future work. And I know you're falling in love with me, too. When I see you, you have this glint in your eyes, Issy. When I saw you at school that one day, you looked bored and almost dreary. You come alive when you're with me. Our relationship has this spark. We have a connection. Weren't you telling me that back when we began?"

"I bet you were regretting my driving incapability back when we were acquaintances. And this is a relationship?"

"Back then, yes, but not now. Certainly not now. And what would you deem this as? What? Don't you think I've been loyal to you or something?" He sat up straighter, eyes narrowing and darkening to a shade of umber.

"No, of course not," I breathed out, exasperated, running a hand through my hair and crossing my legs. "But we only see one another at night. We don't spend the day with one another. It's not a normal relationship, and we both require normality."

Jason shook his head, and for once through this discussion, there was a smile on his face. "Normally it's the other way round because I'd have to do this to protect you which would mean letting you go." Then he changed positions and shifted to the end of the bed so his feet were on the floor.

My eyes wandered down to my lap where my fingers fiddled with one another. "I'm letting you go because it's the right thing to do, Jason. This isn't healthy between us."

"Then do wrong, Isabella."

My eyes snapped up to him. "What happened to Issy?"

"What happened to us?"

Silence lapsed between us. Jason didn't bother looking at me and I lowered my head. I wanted to know what was going on inside of his head, but I wanted to. It wasn't until long after when he turned his head back to me that I knew I was about to experience the rough side of him.

"I hope you're going to be happy being back with Miles," he said. "I hope you'll like the boringness and normality of that. We could have been good together, Isabella. We had passion, we had a connection. I hope you're happy that you'll be with all your rich buddies from now on. You won't ever have to come through The District again, and nor will you have to be in any of their presences. Leave. Now."

"Jason, don't do this," I sighed. Suddenly I was regretting everything.

"No, Isabella. I need you to leave. If I look at you one more time, I know I'm going to want to give in and forgive you to stay. I'm going to want to kiss you and hold you in my arms and not want to let you go."

"Who said the residents in The District weren't sappy?" I remarked, endeavouring to lighten the mood. What I just said fell on deaf ears because Jason took no notice.

"Leave, Isabella, and don't try and contact me again. I swear, just leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again!"

Perceiving the intensification of the volume of his voice, I got up off the bed and ambled solemnly to the door. I opened it, but just before I could make it through to the landing, Jason spoke up once more, astonishing me.

"I thought you were different to all those clichés living in The Valley. I thought finally I'd found a girl who wasn't going to be stuck-up and full of herself. I thought you'd be refreshing after Sabrina. And right now, Sabrina seems a lot more appealing to me."

"You're just saying that to hurt me."

"I'm saying it because it's the truth. You've already hurt me more than you could imagine."

Knowing another word wasn't worth it to commence an altercation, I ran through the landing and down the stairs. Darting out of the house, I made my way through the alleyway and into my car. Locking the doors, I paused. A part of me hoped to see Jason dashing down the car park to me. He'd bang on the window and tell me he loved me too much to let me go. This was all a fantasy...

Because I cried for the duration of the journey home, and Jason had stayed in his room.

Author's Note:

ASDFGHJKL!! I don't know whether I'm more mad at Isabella for actually breaking up with Jason or Jason for what he said?!?!?!?! Who are you guys more mad at?? I promise this separation won't last for too long!! :)))))

Thank you :) x

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