|Chapter 52: A Distressed Roommate|

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"Get in quickly," said Jason, grasping my hand and yanking me into the house.

Slamming the door behind me, he kept the gun firmly in his clutch before turning back to me. He stared at me for a moment, then down at the bags hanging from my hands, then back at my eyes. The weight of the bags was beginning to become alarming.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "Can you put the gun down please?"

Silently, he turned around and began darting upstairs. I heard a door open, a drawer slam shut and then the bedroom door shut. In moments, he was back in front of me and said, "Please tell me you weren't being serious when you said you left home."

My stomach dropped. "I was being serious, why?"

Jason sighed, running a hand through his flat hair that was swept backwards rather than upwards. "Something's wrong, something's very wrong and with you here, we're both easy targets. This is what Jackson does: he plays little games on people until the big finale. The cars driving past, they're preparing for something, I know they are. That figure in the window had to have been a spy."

"Is this your way of chucking me out?" I clarified.

"No," he objected. "I'm not chucking you out, I just want you to realise the bad timing of this."

The fact that there was a chance I could be homeless tonight aside, it was all an inadequate time period to have left home. With my annoyance heightening, I came right out and explained what happened at home between my family. When I was finished, Jason simply stared at me as I felt a rush of emotions engulf me.

Suddenly the bags were on the floor, Jason had his arms around me and I was sobbing into his chest. "They just care about me "bringing shame to the family"," I said, "they don't care that I'm in love with you, or that you're really a good guy."

"It's okay," Jason murmured. "I'm not going to chuck you out or make you homeless, but now you're staying here, you need to be on your guard. You were quite safe back in The Valley, quite protected, now all that's perished and it's just us."

Anyone knew that safety was escalated further in The Valley than The District, but that was only because The Valley could afford better qualified and more security round the town and in shops. They weren't so wise, however. In the mall, security guards patrolled the vicinity, but they didn't detect Jason and realise he was a resident of The District. They must have seen him, and yet, just thought he lived in The Valley – just like what my parents believed him to be as Ryder Holloway.

Once I had calmed down, Jason cupped both of my cheeks in both of his hands and said, "If you're going to be living under this roof with me, we need to clarify some things, okay? First, you do as I tell you. This part of The District, we're all prone to burglaries. If I tell you to hide, you do it, okay?"


"If I tell you to run, you do it."


"If I tell you to get help, you do it."


"If I tell you to give me a blow job, you do it."

"Oka-" I began before his words had registered in my head, "Oh. Jason!" I smacked his arm lightly and he erupted into chuckles.

"I'm just making sure you're listening to me," he said, smiling down at me. "But anyway, blow jobs are always permitted and always appreciated, you know."

"I believe that works both ways."

Jason's one eyebrow rose before he composed himself, smirking at my words. He let his hands drop and said, "Take those bags to my room and I'll go fetch some more. Where are your car keys?"

Taking the keys out of my hand, I made my way upstairs to his room and dropped my bags on the floor. His room was only small and already quite cramped with furniture. I felt bad that I was being invasive and taking over any remaining space. It made me miss my room back home before I realised what situation I was living in.

It wasn't truly my home anymore. With people that don't accept my choices or respect the fact that I'm in love, they are mere acquaintances to me now. Whether Felix would want to speak to me when he would find out about anything would be his choice, but I know Abigail didn't actually abhor me like my parents. Even Mother who was arguing my case, implored me to stay at home and it was Father who exiled me after I had said my justification.

Assisting Jason with the bags, we unpacked my car in two trips together and relaxed on his bed as our reward. My bags were still crammed and lying aimlessly on his floor which left little floor space in his room now, but they were out of sight for the time being as I was lying on Jason's chest, my back to the bags. His arm was around me, his hand caressing my shoulder gently.

"Tell me," he declared, "did you really swear at your parents?"

Shamefully, I said, "Yes, but it just slipped out. I couldn't help it."

"You better watch what slips out of you," he said mischievously. "We will want my cock to stay in you, you know."

The surge of blood rushing to my cheeks and neck was apparent when they began feeling hot. I hit Jason's chest and replied with, "Are you never without sexual remarks?"

"Does a bear ever go to a public restroom? No."

"That was the weirdest retort I have ever heard, I think."

"I like to be different."

"I know you do."

In the end, we tidied up some of the bags and moved them out of the way, unloading some for ease of use but otherwise just shunting them along so some of the original floor space appeared again. When Alex got back, Jason was already in the middle of preparing dinner. He had asked if I wanted to cook but after admitting I was completely clueless on cooking and other culinary skills, he looked downright shocked and shook his head.

"Mother did all of the cooking. She never taught us," I said. "Or, I think she was going to this summer but now..."

"Say no more, say no more," he muttered. "I'm an amazing chef. Alex just burns everything. I, on the other hand, cook to sheer perfection."

Alex got home just as Jason was dishing up. He put some of the pots and pans he utilised into the sink for washing up later. Alex sat down in the lounge with his food plate brought out to him by me. He looked rather pale as I handed him the plate. "Is everything all right, Alex?" I asked, sitting down on the other side of the sofa as Jason handed me my plate and glass of tepid water.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," he said absently, picking up his fork that I placed on the side of the plate for him.

Jason turned to me and shook his head. I kept silent and despite the mounting tension this room was acquiring, no one said anything because one thing was apparent to Jason and I which stuck out like a sore thumb in our thoughts. And it's the thought that answered his stare at me when Alex replied.

Alex was so preoccupied by something else that he hadn't even asked what I was doing in their house eating dinner with them.

Author's Note:

JASON!!! fvdisvbfsjkvbdsj I love him. But what do you think has so distracted Alex??? Let me know your thoughts please!!!! :)))))

Thank you :) x

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