5- Letters

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Taping your pencil on the desk  impatiently, you await the mailman. Your acceptance letter was due today, and you were growing more and more impatient by the minute. "ARG!! HE'S LATE!!" You hear something, and you shoot up to see the mailman walking towards your house. "HEY DID MY LETTER COME MR. MAILMAN?!" You shout, practically jumping on the poor man.

"Y-yeah! H-here! There's also this stuff for your mo-"

"THANKS BYE!" You snatch the letter and race to your room. Tearing it open, a small disk falls out. A projection appears. A recording of Allmight plays telling you that you passed with flying colours, and that he couldn't wait to teach you.

You quickly pull out your phone to text Kirishima and Kaminari, who you've become quite close to ever since the exam.

From: Matchstick
To: The Squad
Hey guys!! Guess what just came in the mail!!!

From: Power Outlet
To: The Squad
Lemme guess, your letter? Mine came today, too! (´∀')

From: Toothpick
To: The Squad
Same! The projection was super cool! (*´∀'*)

From: Matchstick
To: The Squad
We should go to the arcade today to celebrate!! (★o★)

From: Toothpick
To: The Squad
Heck yeah!

From: Power Outlet
To: The Squad
I'm in!

From: Matchstick
To: The Squad
Woohoo! Let's meet up at my house for 2 so we can walk down

From: Power Outlet
To: The Squad

From: Toothpick
To: The Squad
Sounds good to me!

Turning off your phone, you sit back in your chair. "Ah~ I'm so glad I made great friends!" You say to yourself. You slowly stand up, and start cleaning your room. You had just over an hour until the two boys were supposed to arrive.

~ Timeskip ~

"There! Finally done!" You finished cleaning your room twenty minutes before the boys were supposed to get here. "Wowie I stink. Better have a quick shower..." You quickly grab some clothes and jump into your bathroom (it's in your room). You start the shower then turn on the radio.

Once the water is the right temperature, aka scalding, you step inside. You sing along cheerfully to the songs as they play, and soon forget that Kirishima and Kaminari were on their way. Your parents were out with your siblings at some movie in the next town, so when both boys arrived at your front door, nobody answered.

"Hey N/n-chan! Are you going to answer the door or what?!" Kaminari knocked on the door again. The two both tried texting and calling you, but you didn't answer. The boys grew worried. You always had your phone on you and answer immediately. Something was up.

Kirishima checked the door. "It's unlocked."

"Alright let's go in. She may have her headphones in or something. I'm sure she won't mind." Kaminari says.

The two had a bad feeling about it, but walked in anyways. They had been over a couple of times already so they knew where your room was. As they walked down the hall, they could hear water running and someone singing. The closer it got, the more clear it became.

"-a piece of American dream, Open up, and swallow, on your knees, And say "Thank you", I'd like some desperate measures, please~" The two boys blushed a they heard what you were singing. They didn't know you could sing that well either.

"Did our N/n-chan just s-say 'Swallow on your knees'??" Kaminari looks shocked (ha badumtss). Kirishima just stares at your bedroom door.

"For a first effort this, Feels kinda last ditch, I guess this just, Got kinda drastic, Trust us, you just fell off the bus, suckers, Yeah, well, payback is a mother fucker!" You sing the last part extra loud. The boys hear the water shut off and start to freak out. What would you do if you found them standing there, listening to you shower?!

Kaminari thinks fast. "Hey N/n-chan, you home? We knocked on the door but no one answered, so we let ourselves in!"

"I'm in my bathroom! You can come into my room just don't go through my stuff or anything!" You yell back. You sounded embarrassed.

The boys slowly open the door and walk in. Kaminari sits down on the bed while Kirishima stands beside him looking out the window.

"A-ah... Um guys?" Came your nervous voice from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" The two replied.

"Would one of you please grab me a skirt from my closet?" You ask as your face heats up.

Both of the boys start blushing immensely. "U-uh sure... Which one?"

"The red pleated one please..." You say.

The two boys walk over to your closet and open the door. There were so many clothes! How were they supposed to find the right skirt?! As they looked through, their eyes fell upon a frilly bra. They both immediately started looking on the other side of the closet. They found a red skirt. And another. And one more.
"Uhh N/n-chan... Which red one? There are three..." Kirishima asks.

"The medium coloured one please." You answer.

"Alright." Kaminari picks it up and brings it to the bathroom door.

"Just put your arm in the bathroom, but neither of you peek!!" You say with a very embarrassed but scary tone.

"Y-yeah!" The door opens just enough for Kaminari to stick the skirt in the bathroom, and you take it from him. How embarrassing!!

After a minute you walk out with a cute white long sleeve that has black sleeves, white otk (over the knees) socks, and the red skirt they had just given you.

You threw your hair up quickly into a pony tail, and the three of you headed off to the arcade a few blocks away.

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