12- Bakugou vs Midoriya

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"This scenario has the villains inside the building first. Then, after give minutes, the heroes will be let in as well! Everyone else will be able to watch what unfolds through the surveillance cameras! This will allow young Bakugou and Iida to get inside the heads of villain kind! This is a practical training exercise, so go all out without fear of injury! Though naturally we'll cut it short if things get too out of hand..." Allmight explains as everyone leaves.

You walk into the observing room and stand beside Ojiro. Kirishima walks in after and immediately stands on the other side. Kaminari stands beside him. You notice they seem especially annoyed about something. You turn towards them. "What's wrong with you two?" You ask.

"Nothing." Kaminari says.

"I wish we were partnered up with you, N/n-chan." Kirishima frowns.

"Yeah or one of the girls, and not Oijiro...!" Kaminari adds under his breath. Jirou rolls her eyes.

"It's not the end of the world if L/n-san talks to a guy that's not you two and gets along with him." She says in an annoyed tone.

"Is that what you're annoyed about?" You ask.

The two boys hesitantly nod their heads. "Y-yeah..."

You laugh. Don't worry, you guys are still my best friends!" They tear up.

"N/N-CHAN~! WE'RE SO LUCKY YOU'RE OUR FRIEND!" They cheer. You laugh as the two hug you and Jirou rolls their eyes at their behavior. Oijiro just stands there awkwardly.

Kirishima and Kaminari let go of you so the three of you could watch the match. You see Midoriya and Uraraka enter the building above you through a window. You wouldn't be surprised if her heels gave them away. The halls appeared to be mostly metal, and looked like sound would bounce right off.

As you looked at the other monitors, you notice Bakugou walking down a hall towards them. He seems to be listening to something as he nears them.

Just as you suspected, Bakugou was indeed using Uraraka's heels to guide him. When the pair stopped walking, he would stop as well. Midoriya and Uraraka weren't being very stealthy.

Suddenly, Bakugou launched himself at Midoriya just as he and Uraraka were walking by. Midoriya thinks fast, and pushes Uraraka out of the way. The blast destroys half of Midoriya's mask, but he seems otherwise fine.

"That Bakugou's a cheater!! An ambush is so unmanly!!" Kirishima shouts beside you.

"Ambushes are good strategy. They are in the heat of battle after all!" Allmight explains.

"Midori actually dodged it pretty well!" Ashido reminded you if a hyper kid.

Bakugou shouts something at Midoriya, and launches himself at him again. Midoriya reads his movements, and catches Bakugou's right arm. Like some sort of martial artist, he flips Bakugou on to his back by flipping him over his shoulder. You were honestly impressed. It didn't seem like he'd be one to be able to do that move. Especially because Bakugou's costume looked like it would make him much heavier. Bakugou lands hard on his back with a shocked expression on his face.

Bakugou gets up, and looks downright furious. He shouts something at Midoriya, but none of you can head what they're saying. "What's he saying? There's no sound through the surveillance footage." Kirishima asks.

"Teammates can communicate through wireless transceivers, and they have a rough sketch of the building. Then there's this capture tape! The second someone's wrapped this around their opponent, that's the sign that they've been captured!" Allmight says. That doesn't answer the question...

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