20- Sudden Ambush

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Note: Before I start the story, how many of you would be interested in a cover making contest? The one I have right now is just a fill in until I get around to making one but maybe one of you want to...? If you are interested then please leave a comment to let me know 😁😁


You didn't have your phone or earbuds on you since you figured they could get damaged in the training. That left you feeling extremely bored. Midoriya, Asui, and Kirishima were all happily chattering away together.

Two others joined in the conversation. What's the girl with pink skin and that flashy oh-look-at-me-aren't-I-fabulous guy's names again? Oh well, who cares.

You started to pay attention to the conversation when Kirishima mentioned your name.

"If we're talking the double whammy of flashy and strong, you can't not mention N/n-chan, Todoroki, and Bakugou!" He smiles and give you a thumbs up. Bakugou makes a tch sound and looks of out the window.

"Yeah but L/n and Bakugou are always fuming, so they won't be very popular." Asui states. That made you mad.

"Excuse me?!" You growl.


"Ha, as if you're going to be more popular than me! Not only am I strong, smart, and talented, I'm super attractive too~!" You snicker at Bakugou.

He glares at you, but before he could reply, Kaminari speaks up. "It's only been a brief while since our socialization has commenced and yet already we have been made apodeictically cognizant of your personality, redolent as it is of a turd getting steamed in a sewer. At least N/n-chan has a nice side sometimes."

"Huh?! What the hell kinda vocabulary is that?! I have a nice side too! I'll fucking kill you!!" Bakugou shouts.

"Hey! I'm always nice! What the hell are you talking about?!" You yell and stand up.

Everyone laughs at your reactions and you let out a puff of annoyance.

"Alright, everyone calm down. We're almost there." Aizawa sighs.

The bus arrives shortly, and you all get off. Aizawa leads you into the dome shaped building and you all gawk.


"Is this USJ or something?!!!" Kirishima exclaims.

The space hero, No. 13, speaks up. "Flood wrecks, landslides, fires... Etc., etc. This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters. It's name is... The Ultimate Space for Jams!!"

It really is USJ... ;;

"It's space hero, No. 13!" Midoriya says happily. "He's the gentlemanly hero who does phenomenal work helping with disaster relief!"

"Wow!! I've always like No. 13!!" Uraraka exclaims.

Aizawa walks up to No. 13 and says something quietly to him. The two whisper back and forth, and No. 13 holds up three fingers. Huh?

No. 13 turns his attention back to you students. "Before we begin, just one thing... or two or three or maybe four..." They're increasing...

"I'm sure you're all aware of my quirk but just in case... My quirk is called Black Hole. No matter what material may get sucked into its vortex, I'm afraid it will turn to dust."

"Now that's a quirk that's perfect for removing wreckage and saving people injured by disasters!" Midoriya smiles.

Uraraka looks like she's going insane with how excited she is to be near No. 13 as you see her jumping up and down at an alarming rate.

"Yes... It is, however, a power that could easily be used to kill people. And in that way, it's no different from the quirks of everyone here." Everyone goes silent as you process what he was telling you. Most of you already knew the full consequences, or you knew it in the back of your head.

"Naturally," No. 13 continues, "In this society of superhumans, quirks are strictly regulated, and the requirements for their lawful use enforced. We can tell at a glace that this is the make-up of this world.

"That being said, please none of you forget that you all possess quirks that could go awry. One wrong step is all it takes to accidentally kill someone whether they're a friend, foe, classmate, bystander, etc. During Mr. Aizawa's physical strength test you learned of your respective power's potential, and during Allmight's trial of battle I think you took away a true sense of danger of using those powers against your classmates.

"This lesson will serve as a fresh start! Let's get to studying about how to use your quirks to save someone life! Your quirks empathetically do not exist to hurt others! Please leave this exercise having fully understood that your quirks exist to help people! That is all! You have my gratitude for listening so intently and patiently!" No. 13 finishes his speech, and you can't help but feel inspired.

He's so cool...!!

Some of the students clap, while others even cheer. You look around the area as Aizawa starts to get you all to calm down.

"Alright everyone quiet down now. First thing's first..." Huh? What's that black smoke thing by the fountain? Is that a... Hand?

"Sensei... What's that smoke--" You start to ask but he cuts you off.

"Huddle together and don't move!!!" In a serious tone, Aizawa commands you all, and you look back towards the fountain to see people coming out of the smoke. Villains...?! "No. 13 protect the students!!"



"What is that?!! Is this like that training pattern at the training exam?" Kirishima asks.

"DON'T MOVE! THOSE ARE REAL VILLAINS!!!!" Aizawa yells, and everyone freezes. You see fear fill your classmates eyes and faces go pale.

You were near the back beside Kirishima and Bakugou. You looked at them and saw fear and something else. You felt the same way.

Now is not the time to be scared. Now is the time to stand up and fight to show your worth. To protect your classmates. To protect yourselves.

But most importantly...

To make sure everyone gets out alive.


Guys!! I'm so sorry I took so long to update! 😭😭

I'll try and get the next chapter posted within a week but I'm not sure if I'll be able to...

Also, I'm going to try and find someone to edit this story because I was rereading it the other day and holy there are a ton of mistakes

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