14- Unwanted Advice

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You stare blankly in front of you as the ice slowly starts to melt around you. You don't even notice as you fall to your knees. The ground is a blur, as tears fill your eyes. No. You are not crying. You wipe your eyes with your arm, just as Todoroki walks up to you. He extends his arm towards you to help you up.

You lift your head up and glare at him. You smack his arm away and get up. Angrily, you storm away. A few minutes later Allmight appears before you. He checks to make sure you're not injured.

"Young L/n-chan, it is time to return downstairs so we can review the battle. I know you're upset, and I completely understand. But if you do not get feedback, you won't know how to improve so you can win next time."

Without replying, you follow the hero to where everyone else was waiting. It looked like Kirishima and Kaminari were dying to talk to you, but they could tell you weren't in the mood to chat. They let you sit in the back by yourself along with Bakugou who was still calming down from his battle.

"Alright. So, can anyone tell me what both teams need to improve on? Yes, Yaoyorozu?" Allmight asks.

"Neither team worked as a team. Both split off, and the two stronger skill and battle wise fought. The other two stood by and let them fight. Although, it was a good call on Todoroki's part to make Shouji wait outside. He would have risked his teammates safety. Ojiro, on the other hand, had no choice but to sit idly by. If he moved, his feet would have been wrecked, and even if he wasn't frozen, he wouldn't have stood a chance against Todoroki. L/n lost her cool too quickly, and didn't come up with a proper strategy. She should have know the limits of her quirk and could have avoided overusing it."

"Well that's true, but..." Allmight starts.

"Sorry, but not everyone is great at staying calm when they're about to be frozen. You have heard of hypothermia and frost bite right? I doubt you'd like being frozen, and not being able to move or feel your body. Do you know how big of a temperature change my body just went through?! It's like how if you heat or freeze a glass too fast it'll shatter except with my fucking body."

Your classmates stare at you as you glare threateningly at Yaoyorozu. "Now young L/n-san... I'm sure Yaoyorozu didn't mean it like that."

"I'm sorry if it came across as rude..."

"You're damn right it did-" Someone grabbed your arm as you go to stand up. Bakugou grips your arm tightly before looking at you.

"Don't." He gives you a stern stare, and you shake his arm off before sitting back down.

"...Uhh... Okay uh can anyone tell me what the villain team did well then? We already heard what the hero team did well on." Allmight says awkwardly.

Kirishima speaks up. "F/n-chan did a really good job sneaking up on Todoroki! It was really cool how she avoided being frozen by jumping at the last minute! Ojiro did a really good job getting away from the ice too, even though it got him in the end. It was super manly how he managed to get up four stories before it caught up to him! Also, F/n-chan fought Todoroki really well! Her quirk was a great counter for Todoroki's ice!"

"Indeed! Thank you, young Kirishima!" Allmight says. "Anyone else?"

"They all looked really cool!!" Uraraka exclaims.

"Yeah, and it was really cool seeing how even though Todoroki caught her punch and flipped her, she managed to pull him down with her!" Kaminari smiles.

With that, the rest of the teams battle. None of them were really that exciting, but even if they were, you were too worn out. You used your quirk too much and the side affects were really kicking in. You didn't even realize the training was over until Kaminari and Kirishima walked over.

"C'mon N/n-chan, we're going back to class now." They say.


Do any of you play Mystic Messenger? I'm completely in love with Seven 😍😍

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