11- Teams

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"Alright! Let's see what you're made of, you embryos!!" Allmight cheers as you step out into the bright light with your classmates. Bakugou's costume immediately catches your eye.

It's very flashy, and you would never admit it, but it actually looked really cool. Kaminari catches you staring at Bakugou and snickers.

"What's this? Is N/n-chan checking Bakugou out?" He asks just loud enough for you and Kirishima who was beside him to hear. Oh and Jirou, who can pick up small noises thanks to her quirk, but none of you knew that yet, and she wasn't one to spread rumors.

Kirishima raises his eyebrows in surprise. "I WAS NOT CHECKING HIM OUT!!" You whisper angrily to the two boys, which catches Bakugou's attention. He looks at you out of the corner of his eye and can't help but notice how cool yet cute you look.

Your costume was black and red with orange and yellow. You had a black mask with a matching mask to go over your mouth. It had black flames on it with a red to yellow background, and where it tied in the back, it spiked out. You had a skin tight (much to his excitement but he would never admit) red tank top with a orange and yellow pattern on it. You had black combat pants with a similar orange and yellow pattern but with red on them. There was a belt around your waist that had small pouches attached. Bakugou assumed they had basic first aid things in them. You were wearing plain black boots, and had some form of cord or rope wrapped around your wrists and upper arms. He wasn't sure what they were for. 'Maybe in case there was a fire and she needs to rescue someone from above?' Bakugou thought.

^(your clothing allowance submission)^

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^(your clothing allowance submission)^

As he was checking you out, Kaminari snickers again, and elbows Kirishima. "Bro, look at Bakugou."

Kirishima takes a glance at Bakugou, and is surprised to find him checking you out. "Woah... What the heck...?!" He whispers at Kaminari. "Dude... Do you think there's a chance... He likes our N/n-chan?!"

"Shh!!! They'll hear you!" Kaminari whispers back. You look at them in confusion. They had suddenly shuffled away from you and started whispering to each other.

"Oi, what are you two whis-" Just as you try to ask them what they're whispering about, Allmight speaks up.

"It's time for the trial of battle!!!" You notice Midoriya and Uraraku chatting about their costumes. Mineta checks Uraraka out, and says something along the lines of "Heroics is the best." You roll your eyes at that. Though you had to admit, the eye candy was pretty great. You were pretty thankful Bakugou got a skin tight tank top, and that it has such a nice v-neck. Not that you were checking him out or anything. Kirishima's costume was also pretty great, considering he wasn't wearing a shirt, so you had a great view of his abs. But he's your friend, so that was a little weird.

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