17- Class President

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As you finally regained your composure, Aizawa walked into the class. All of you take your seats before he starts talking. Aizawa gently places a stack of papers on to his desk. "I hope you're all well rested from yesterday's battle trial. I took the liberty of looking at your marks and evaluations. Bakugou, L/n. You both are very talented and have great potential. Stop wasting it by acting like seven year olds. Especially you, Bakugou." You grit your teeth because you knew it was true deep down. If you don't step up your game, and control yourself, there's no way you'll be as great as your siblings, or a pro hero.

"I know..." Bakugou mutters.

"Don't you think I already understand that...?" You whisper quietly.

"And you. Are you planning to always destroy your arm, Midoriya? If you can't keep going 'I can't adjust my quirk so I have no choice' you'll never get far. I've said it before. Don't make me say it a third time. Once you've cleared that hurdle, you'll be much more flexible, so I need to see some sweat out of you, Midoriya."

"Yes sir!!"

"Now, let's get on with the homeroom notices... I'm sorry to spring this on you all without warning, but..."

What now...?! Another pop quiz?! The class thinks in unison.

"We need to pick a class president."

"Finally, something like a normal school!" The class cheers.

The class erupts with people shouting "Oh, oh, pick me! I wanna be class president!" and "I wanna do it!"

"Heh, I'd be a great class prez!" You smirk. "I'm smart, strong, attractive... What more could you want?"

"Let me do it!!" Bakugou shoots his hand in the air.

"Everyone quiet down!!" Iida shouts, gathering everyone's attention. "This task is laden with  responsibilities where you must carry and pull everyone else's weight! Just because you'd like to do it doesn't mean you can! It is a holy office that requires the great esteem and trust of those around you...! The only truly worthy leader will emerge from a democratic choice reflecting the will of the people! Which is why this must be settled by a vote!"

"Pfft! 'Holy office'?" You laugh. Hits vocabulary amused you. "You're hand's raised the highest, obviously you just want everyone to vote for you, huh Iida?"

"He's being really lofty with that proposal, ain't he?!" Someone yells.

Asui speaks up. "It's still too early to have developed any trust in each other."

Kirishima joins in. "And besides, everyone will just vote for themselves!"

"That's precisely why the person who does manage to earn multiple votes will be the truly appropriate person for the job, no?!" Iida counters. Turning to Aizawa who had just gotten into his yellow sleeping bag, he asks, "Is that all right, sensei?!"

Man he's really pumped about this... ;;;

"As long as you all decide by the time I wake up from my nap, anything's fine." With that, Aizawa falls to the ground with a gentle thump. Already, he starts to lightly snore.

After everyone votes, the results are posted on the board. Midoriya gets three votes, Yaoyorozu gets two, and everyone else but Iida, Uraraka, and someone else get zero.

"I got three votes?!?!?!" Midoriya looks like he's going to pass out.

"You've gotta be shitting me...!!! Who the fuck voted for Deku...?!" Bakugou shouts in anger.

"Alright, who voted for her?!?!" You shake in anger. Midoriya didn't bug you that much, but he'd be a pretty bad class rep with his self confidence. The fact that Yaoyorozu is going to be vice class president pisses you off.

"I guess we know who you two voted for!" Sero laughs at Bakugou and your anger at only getting one vote each.

"Shut up! You voted for yourself too!!" You snap. He just laughs and pats you on the back.

"Zero votes... I see how it is... Of course, since I insisted on the sacredness of the roll..." Iida falls to the ground in shame.

"You voted for someone else..." Yaoyorozu trails off.

"Even though you wanted the job so badly... What were you thinking, Iida..." Satou finishes.

Aizawa gets up from his short nap. How he slept through all of the yelling, you had no clue. "So then, it's president Midoriya and Vice-President Yaoyorozu."

"Ah man... So close..." Yaoyorozu mutters.

"F-f-f-for real...??" Midoriya stammers.

"Damn, things are really heating up for Midoriya!" Kirishima says. 

"Yeah, and Yaoyorozu was really cool during the training analysis!"

"Who said that?!" You glare behind you. No one replies.


So so so sorry for taking so long to update! I've been bombarded with homework, projects, assignments, and cadets... For the next month or so, I only have a couple of days on the weekends off/where I'm not busy

Hopefully I can update twice more this week but we'll see. Thanks for all of the support!! It's really appreciated and I love all of you for reading my stories~ ❤❤❤

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