Chapter 1

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Started: 19th August 2016

Please remember this contains spoilers for Introductions, the first book in the Ghost Bird series.

Chapter 1: Please just, forget you saw me.

I can't deal with it anymore. My 'mother' and all of her rules that I never get informed of until I've broken them.

Who does she think I am, a physic?

I huff as I shoulder my black backpack and carefully slip out the back door, silently making it through to the front and to the sidewalk. It's the middle of the night and no one will notice I'm gone until tomorrow afternoon.

I grin to myself. I'm finally free! Even if it's only for a short while...

I silently glide down the sidewalk, instantly drenched by the storm I'm currently ignoring.

I get two houses down before I start to make noise, stepping in puddles and slapping my feet against the pavement. I giggle and feel free.

That is until the sound of running enters my ears. Stopping I steel myself, listening to the steps.

They don't sound human. In fact, they sound as if four things are moving towards me. What?

I turn to run, having registered that whatever this is, it's coming towards me.

Before I can take a step something wet and furry has me crashing against the ground. I let out a small yelp as I brace myself against the ground. I feel pain in my palms and hip.

I try to push myself up, feeling something large sitting on my back and rain pounding my body down everywhere else. I continue to struggle, but the thing doesn't move.

Panic stings at my back and I cry out in frustration.

"Max! Get off!" I hear a males voice call to the dog from near by.

The dog gets off and I roll over. He sits beside me and barks to the tall boy in glee.

The boy extends his hand out to me and I flinch, standing up on my own and backing away.

"Your hands. Please let me look at them. Come with me and I'll fix them up for you." He says, staring at my hands in... Pain?

Shouldn't I be the one feeling pain?

Men lie. They cheat and they lie. Never believe them, they'll only hurt you. They'll snatch you and keep you locked up and hurt you.

I shuffle backwards further, the voice of my mother hissing in my ear.

"N no. I I have t to go." I stutter as I turn to leave. I only walk three silent steps before something catches my wrist.

"Please, let me make sure your okay. Max's lead broke and I feel responsible for your injuries." He says as I wrench my wrist out of his hold and stumble backwards.

"Don't. Feel responsible, I mean. Just, just please. Forget you ever saw me." I tell him, staring at the pavement as I turn and leave. He doesn't follow me and I feel the tears flow down my cheeks.

I'd almost given in and let him check my hands. Almost.

Sighing in exhaustion I walk into the half finished house and check it out to make sure that nobody else is in there. Once I see that it's clear I sit down and sigh.

My breath of freedom has bee tainted- by her.

No longer feeling the uncontainable joy, I stand to leave.

Maybe I'll try again another day.

I stand and trot back home, startled to see the light on across the road. Why would anyone else be up at 1 in the morning?

I climb upstairs and peel my wet cloths off, changing into some dry stuff. I lay down on my old mattress and fall asleep, never having turned my light on.

Sorry this is so short. Normally my chapters are longer but as I may try- I couldn't bring myself to add anything else into this chapter. Please tell me what you think.


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