Chapter 15

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(I've updated since chapter 14 so if you haven't read that then please go and do that before reading this chapter :))


Thankfully nothing happens and I get to school in the same shape as I was in yesterday, some may think it a negative but to me that is a good outcome.

Those boys continuously try to talk to me- is toll don't see any reason for them to! Can't they tell everyone what they saw without talking to me first? That don't exactly have to rub it in my face that they know, but then again so far the world has shown me that most people aren't to be trusted.

Currently it is my first break of the day, and I don't know how I was able to loose those persistent boys but it happened. I'm going to chalk it down to my child like size... or maybe they realized that they don't need to gain my favor before giving all the other kids reason to hate me.

Opening the door to an empty classroom, I sit on a table and swing my legs, stopping abruptly when my knees protest.

I enjoy humming when I'm alone, which is most of the time. It makes practically no difference wether or not I'm humming along to a song on my stereo or even something made up. Currently an unnamed piece of jazz music is pacing back and forth between my ears, begging me to let it out into the world around me.

It is times like this that I wish I had access to an instrument, something that I could carry around with me and play at any moment to relieve the song from my mind.

Since I am currently unable to hum, the classroom remains still, the air almost buzzing in my ear. I see a piece of chalk and grab it, heading over to the blackboard. I start to draw something, the only thing in my mind is the song.

Now, I am not a good artist, but it is a skill that I hope to develop. But the image that I create of a girl seated on a bench, leaning against a boys shoulder, legs dangling and pigtails bouncing, has me imagining the childhood I wish I'd known.

I could just see it, Australian Sang walking barefoot to the local supermarket, friends surrounding her as they grab an ice cream before heading to the beach.

British Sang, sleeping over with a group of friends, building secret forts and trying to reach the cupboard for the coco powder- wanting to prove to her fellow ten year olds that she can to make herself a hot chocolate.

Sang from a long forgotten island, fitting in with the community of people and dancing on the rocks with her siblings.

Oh! And what about Sang from Canada, learning to skate with her friends after school and laughing as they chase each other over the ice.

Of course, these happy images only last for a little while before I remember the Sang I was at ten, the girl who had been locked in her bedroom for asking what was for dinner, the girl who couldn't talk to classmates in fear of the stool.

I'm startled enough to drop the chalk when the first bell goes, kicking me into gear to travel to my next class. It's surprising how much you can think about, how many stories you can create in your mind, when one takes away your ability to talk.

All through the rest of the day in the back of my mind are those little foreign Sangs, the girls I took any possible problems away from.

I end up doodling pictures of the girls throughout the rest of my classes, ignoring the tightness in my stomach or the concerned states my knees attract.

Instead the daydream turns into a mantra of sorts, an obsession. I realize these are the lives I wish to give to other children.

Ignoring the dark spots that cloud my vision I walk through the halls between classes like I have full control of my body, like I can see everything in front of me and like I am someone who has eaten today.

It's surprising the number of people you can fool if you use confidence in the way you hold yourself.

Somehow it is now gym, the last class of my day. Somehow I have changed into my sport uniform. Somehow no one has mentioned the fact that I am swaying where I stand.

"Hey Sang? Wanna be my partner for the warm up?" A nice enough girl, someone who is nameless to me, asks with a netball in her hand. I nod in response, smiling. She asked yesterday as well and she already knows I'm unable to talk.

We go through the different types of passes together and she tells me all of the positions. I don't know the rules to most sports so I try to absorb at least some of them. It might be good for me to know how one sport works in my life.

Gabriel's POV

That troublemakers still avoiding us all and I can tell that my brothers feel the exact same way as me. We're going fucking insane with worry.

Why won't she talk to us? If she would just let us explain. We've all been through tough situations- together and alone!

Fuck I still live with Pam!

She needs us, I know I'm not exactly the best person to help her, but at least I can be her friend. At least I can be someone who is there for her- even if she'll never feel the way I feel in return.

The ball hits me in the head, knocking me down. Somehow it hit me from behind. I get up and see Nate rushing in my direction.

"I'm fucking fine Nate, no need to panic." He just removed past me, barely looking like he's heard me.

Raising an eyebrow I turn to see my beautiful Trouble lying on the floor. What the fuck happened! Ill murder whoever dared lay a hand on her!

Barely listening to what the stupid teacher is saying I hold the door open for my brother, running ahead to clear the path to the nurses office.

Sean's POV

I may or may not have been having a nap when the doors to my sick bay crashed open. Sue me.

At least I was able to comprehend what was going on and turn straight into Doctor mode, going a little over the top when I saw Nates copper head rush through the door.

"Nathen? What did you need?"

"Fix her." He growled in a truly North-worthy manner. It is then that I notice the blond beauty in his arms. I direct him to a bed (not the one I was sleeping on) and get him to call Owen over.

Whilst she's out of it I check her arms, legs and body temperature, all aren't good. Her knees are barely ok to walk on and the signs of abuse are apparent everywhere I check, I don't know how I missed it before.

I bandage up her visible bruises and leave her stomach and back to check when she awakens, knowing that she deserves someone to respect her boundaries.

Owen enters the empty room as I already sent the boys to wait in the hall, he calls the rest of the boys out of their classes to wait in the hall also. We aren't going to let her leave without an explanation, she needs our help. I just hope she'll let us into her walls.

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