Chapter 22

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AN: SOrry for my absence! Every time I promise to write more chapters I end up not writing for ages... so this time I'm not going to make any promises and let's see where that leads us!

Thank you to everybody who answered my survey, it was very helpful when constructing graphs and we ended up getting 130 responses, largely form you guys! So thank you all so much!!

Any ways, please enjoy the chapter! I'll see you when I see you ;)

A week has passed and I still haven't spoken a word to anyone besides Henry. He's so amazing, teaching me how to cook new things, genuinely listening to my advice for his menu and even letting me have a space in the garden to tend to my own herbs. It's all so much more then anything I could have dreamed up, so much more then anything I could have hoped for.

"I'm done with the computer now Sang, you should clean up before doing your course work."

Henry was even letting  me do my course work on the computer, signing me up for extra classes as my guardian and helping me learn how to use the computer more efficiently. 

North and Luke aren't home, they still go to school daily. I only see them at night as I stay in my room until I hear them leave. Every night a different grouping of those boys is over for dinner, much to my annoyance. I know they are the reason I'm here now, but they give me a strange feeling and I don't like it. So, despite them knowing I can talk and hearing me speak quietly to Henry in the kitchen, none of them try anything more then asking me questions at dinner. 

None of which I answer, of course. 

I've been doing some work for the past three hours when Henry enters the study, smile wide.

"It's just going to be us for dinner tonight, why don't we go experiment in the kitchen for a while? Make sure you don't hurt your eyes looking at that screen for too long?"

"That's a great idea! I found a recipe for crepes that I want to try, i've never had one but the photos look delicious!"

"Never had a crepe?! My Poor Girl! We'll fix this mistake right away! Come on into the kitchen and bring the recipe with you! What a disaster!"

Giggling I follow him out of the study, there is a pile of recipes on the counter which are things that Henry and I want to try out in our kitchen adventures. If we find something we want to make we right out or print the recipe and put it in the pile. The idea is that eventually we'll have tried everything but so far I've only witnessed the pile grow, no matter how much time we spend in here.

We get out the ingredients and work separately, both following the recipe. We both add our own twist to it in an effort to find something worthy of the menu, even though I've never made them before. We both jot down what we did differently from the recipe. We let the boys decide who's was better, without telling them who won. Since I've been here it's been five all, so this is an intense tie breaker.

"Ready to be beaten henry?" I ask, pulling out a whisk.

He lets out a laugh before grabbing an egg. As he cracks it he says "Don't crack out of pressure, my child."

We both are giggling messes when the time come to cook the crepes. You see, our form of trash talk is puns, something which has caused us to bond so quickly.

I let him take over the actual cooking of the crepes, as I've never made them before and it wouldn't be a fair competition if mine looked awful due to my inexperience. 

We put a bunch of toppings on them before sitting down to eat them as our lunch. Without North here none of us would eat anything healthy. The closest Henry and I have gotten is a chocolate covered strawberry. 

Whilst eating we talk about how amazing his crepe was. To my disappointment it was clear he won this round. My lack of crepe -ish knowledge left me disadvantaged. Although I wouldn't let this stop me from beating him the next time cup cakes are involved.

"My dear, will you accompany me to the diner today? It's definitely still a work in progress but I really want to show you the site! We can even have a picnic at the park next door!"

I nod, excited. I'd been told I'd get to visit the diner soon but hadn't known it would be today. Goes to say we immediately go in and try a new recipe for pasta, something with chicken and a whole bunch of fun herbs.

I change into jeans and a loose t-shirt. Gabe kept on telling me he would take me shopping but Henry has told him not to do it unless I asked, although that didn't stop Henry picking up a bunch of jeans and shirts for me the other day when he went grocery shopping.

Honestly, I owe so much to this man.

We head out to the old church, which I recognise as being incredibly close to my old house, as well as being the place I read at for a while.

We look around inside and I can clearly see Henrys vision for the place. I could feel the pleasant vibes of the future beaming out of this place bright enough to be seen from the stars.

We ate on the grass outside, Henry showed me some constellations before we headed back in the car to his home.

We watched a movie called 'Ink heart' which was fabulous. Since living here I'd fallen in love with the concept of movies and I am yet to watch one that I don't like or at least appreciate.

"Sang, can I ask you why you won't talk to my boys?" Henry looked solemn as he said this, and I knew he was only worried for me.

"I I'm scared."

"Have they hurt you dear?"

"No, but, but."

"I'd like to promise you that they are all good boys, and that they are all incredibly worried about you. I want you tot seriously consider talking to them Sang, I know it will be difficult for you, but I am hoping that you will find friendship in my boys, I'm hoping that they will help you in a way I can't. I won't be disappointed if you can't, but this is something I think you need to think about. Please." He looks into my eyes as he speaks and I am shocked, I didn't know that my silence affected him so much. And they were worried about me. But mother always said...

"I I will, think about it I mean."

"Thank you Sang, goodnight and sweet dreams." Henry kissed my forehead as he left the room. I switched the lights off as I headed up to my room, falling asleep as soon as I changed, those boys still on my mind.

 AN: I'm going with what a relationship with a father should be as her relationship with Uncle, is that clear in the story? Any tips you guys have for writing this type of relationship between them? I'm not sure if this came through in my writing is all...

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