Chapter 5

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Alright, I need some help from my readers.

I, as stated previously, am Australian. And I know that in Australia (Perth) we classify anything over 38º 'too hot to exist'. I know that the temperature is measured differently. What do Americans classify as hot? I've never been to America so I don't have any first hand experience weather wise and if any of you know this sort of thing, just aid in what different temperatures mean to you, that would be greatly appreciated!

Also thank you for all the votes! I watched it tick past 100 and screamed ^-^

I wake up, still battered form my punishment yesterday- I must remember not to be late in the future.

I get dressed in a green shirt and a black skirt, hair up in a low pony tail. Washing my face I pack up the homework I completed yesterday and make a mental note to head to the library later to get started on some of the other courses.

With the knowledge that I'd be hurt for even suggesting I was worthy of eating breakfast, I head straight outside and wait for the bus. Five minutes pass and I'm contemplating lying down for a nap- I guess that's what three hours of sleep does to a person. After the most crowded bus ride in my entire life I decide that it will be much much easier to just walk to the school.

I head straight to my homeroom and sit in my seat, pulling out my library book. I finish it as the bell rings and pat my back for good timing skills.

Everyone sits in the same seats as yesterday and talk the entire way through the lesson, with Goth and Blondie sharing looks over my head and texting. I wonder why they don't just speak, but it isn't as if I'd ever ask them anyhow.

Oh, and my voice has come back to a whisper finally!

The day is just a blur until Art, nobody's talks to me at all until I'm sitting in the same seat next to Gaberiel again.

"Good morning Gabriel!" I whisper shout at him, the loudest my voice can go.

He gasps and grins at me. "Beautiful! Is that your voice I hear?"

I nod with a small smile on my face, maybe this is the start of an awesome friendship??

We settle and get told we are going to paint a landscape so he can asses our skill level. Jumping right in Gabe helps me out with techniques, laughing at my lack of skill in a friendly manner.

Sadly the lesson comes to a close and I leave Gabe to Biology. We get our test scores back and the teacher congratulates me on a 100%.

Hmm, better then I thought, I was sure I stuffed up the diagram on the heart.

I hear some insults and congratulations shot my way so I smile softly at the class and stare down at my table.

The teacher holds me back when the lesson ends.

"Sang, it's come to my attention that you should be doing this in an AP class, why aren't you?"

"Well, it is true that have done this course before, but I was only allowed two AP classes. I plan on doing this AP course online." I whisper flinching as the soreness come back at the use.

"Oh, lovely! I'm willing to answer any course question and we can even do the pracs after school if you wish?"

"Really? Th Thankyou!" I whisper at him "that would be fantastic!"

"Run along there Sang, its lunch and I don't want you to miss out."

"Thank you!" I whisper before leaving. Some afternoons I'll be able to further my education instead of doing housework! Yay!!

Sitting under the same tree in the courtyard I lay with a book, hoping not to be disturbed. My wishes are granted and although I can feel seven set of eyes on me I don't bother to see which group of people are so blatantly staring at me.

Once the siren goes I revel in the fact that everyone else has to rush to class whilst I stay in my position under the tree. Maybe I should make this my nap period...

The rest of the day, much like study hall, passed in a blur. Finally I was on my way home, but as I walked up my street I saw the most horrific scene in my life.

That boy. The one with the glasses.

The door shut and he turned to look at me, making eye contact. I could tell my mother was watching from the window so I ran passed him and through the door, ignoring the vocal protest he was making.

Inside my mother was waiting for me, a bag of rice in her hands.

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