Chapter 6

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I'd just like to thank the three people who answered my question last chapter! It's greatly appreciated XD

Ghost Man Who Knows Everything's POV

"Everyone call down!" Owen's sharp voice can be heard above the rest of the rowdy boys in the room. "Let's get this meeting underway, you men were the ones to request it."

The teenage boys all stopped talking and settled themselves in a circle, lounging on chairs and tables in the otherwise empty classroom.

"Now, I believe this meeting is about a certain Miss..."

"Sang." Kota, one of the teenage boys, voice chimed in before any other could answer the question.

Seems like this meeting is about a girl. Owen knew it was bound to happen someday, it's not as if hormones are absent in these boys.

All the boys started confirming vocally but young Owen cut them off, instead motioning to Sean to speak first.

"Well, Owen dear, I spotted the lovely bird grabbing some medicinal aid from the nurse, which she never returned. Now the schools down a first aid box, but she obviously needed it! I suggest we look into and keep an eye on this one." The doctor in the group sighed, seemingly thinking about the blonde beauty in question.

"Who else want to put forward their reasoning?"

"I saw her in the middle of the night during the holidays. I ordered Max to stop her, she looked like she was running. She was hurt but wouldn't let me look at her injuries and wouldn't come with me. She continued going to where ever it is she went and I watched her enter the house later. I've tried seeing if she was ok a few times and her mother denied her existence, telling me it must have been a different daughter of hers, she lives across the street from me."

"I've seen bruises on her legs during the class, Angelle Mou is being hurt by someone."

"She's fuckin beautiful and talented- although she hasn't been able to fucking use her goddamn voice!"

"She's always alone, it's not right for anyone to be so alone all the time- especially someone as gorgeous as Sang."

"She doesn't eat."

"She's so small and so bad at sport... I just want to protect her."

"She's a genius, got a hundred percent in the opening test to see where everyone's at without paying attention in class."

"Hmm... she sounds interesting enough. I grant you permission to befriend the girl and find out who Mr Kobra thinks is hurting her. If there's reason to we shall intervene but for now we will talk to the girl. But I warn you not to make her a priority above the Ashley Waters mission, we need these favours." Owen tells the boys in an even tone.

Little does he know that I know that he is just as curious as everyone of those boys about the adorable Ghost Bird.

Or that every single one of the boys would secretly befriend her if he'd said no.

Sang's POV

"You filthy whore! How dare you invite men into my home to fuck! I didn't raise you to be such a self centred bitch!" She screams, hitting me over the head with the unopened bag of rice. I stumble slightly, but in the five minutes we had stood there while the boy left meant I wasn't caught of guard.

"Mother I-"

"I don't want to hear it bitch! Follow me if you know what's good for you, making me waste this rice on you... no food for a week!"

I wince but keep quiet as she grabs my wrist in a grip as strong as steel. She harshly tugs me with her out into the kitchen.

"Open the bag you worthless slut!" Quickly complying I tear a whole in the top of the bag, unsure of what the following events would be.

Using the hand that was still locked around my joint, she pulled knocking the rice out onto the ground. Half the bag had been poured out when she jerked my wrist to a stop.

"Kneel bitch." She spat at me, shoving me down to my knees on top of the rice. I would've yelped at the stinging in my knees and legs but I know it'll only make it worse in the long run.

She left the room and mumbled something about staying there for four hours.

Once I'm sure she's gone I let a single tear slip out in mourning of my knees. I can feel the rice digging right into them, I'm sure that they'll bleed when I'm forced to pick them out in a few hours..

Two hours of kneeling later

Barely able to keep my eyes open I am struggling to stay kneeling in the tortorous rice, the only thing that keeps me kneeling is the certainty that it could be worse- and will be worse, if I defiy her.

I hear mothers heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and sigh in relief, she must be coming down to let me out of one of the worst punishments she's ever dealt me.

I hear her rummaging through the cupboards behind me and eagerly await the sound of her voice telling me to get out of her sight.

"Dirty little whore! I know you've been over eating you fucking slut. Don't you know how much effort I put into feeding you you selfish bitch?! Pick up every single grain of rice with these and throw them into the trash, if I even suspect you've eaten this next week I'll not hesitate to cut your tongue out!" She throws tweezers at me before dropping the half empty bag of rice into the floor, spilling the rest of the contents.

I wait for her to leave before getting to work. It's going to be a long night and I know I have to be done before morning if I want to escape further punishment.

How does she think I've been over eating anyway? Must've been from when Marie took extra food into her room to binge watch the Twilight movies.

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