Chapter 14

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1001 apologies!!!!! I am probably as disappointed in myself as you are disappointed in me for not posting for four months...

Ghost Man's POV

I follow behind Sang and the boys on the way to their homeroom, which is where the Taylor brothers take over their attempts to regain some of her trust.

I can tell that none of their attempts are proving useful, and that this hurts them. They both are absolutely determined to help the bird- to get rid of the haunted glint in her eyes.

Doing their best to be assertive, but not forceful, they stay consistent in their efforts. That is, until she leaves for the bathroom and gets sent to the nurse. Now, I can sense that she has no intention of getting herself sorted, but it seems as if the brothers do as well.

The youngest Taylor pulls out his phone and texts Sean, their doctor friend. When ten minutes pass and he responds in the negative, they come up with a plan to get her checked out.

Basically, have her run into Sean at some point throughout the day.

What a plan.

I heave a sigh and decide to check on the young girl, who I found barely holding it together in the girls bathroom. Using her voice had brought back the raw pain that the vinegar concoction brought upon her throat.

Sang's POV

The siren rings and I emerge from the bathroom, heading straight to English. I head to the teacher immediately, handing her a note that says I am sick and unable to talk. It is an ironic sort of lucky that I have a stack of these in my bag just in case.

I ignore the boys in this class, heading to my normal seat and not looking up at any of their attempts to talk to me. I am unable to communicate back to them anyway. I just get on with the work and keep up a pretence of being focused.

How does it hurt me so much to be alone, to be hurting these boys that I know are only going to spread rumours about me. I don't want to move again. I like the forrest outside, I like the library lady, I even liked that girl Jessica.

So I'll stay quiet, I'll move classes maybe. I can make this work.

This is how I stay throughout the entire day, mute and focused. Mute and focused. Mute and focused.

At lunch I even stay behind to talk to my biology teacher about the experiments she said I could do whilst studying the extra class.

At gym I even work with a different girl, someone with chocolate hair and eyes that filled me with a desire to defeat my enemies. She was a girl who inspired others and saved lives. She had the eyes of a superhero.

Class ended and I took a different bus, one that I discovered went to my library. Coincidence or not, none of the boys were there and this is the perfect spot to do something productive. I enter, only slightly disappointed with the lack of the nice lady.

I get a lot of work done for all the courses I signed up for. I even loose track of the time until I get a five minute warning on my computer. The library only lets you use the computers for two hours at a time, just so that everyone who wants to use them can.

I pack my stuff and head home, directly into my room. If I'm not seen I won't be hurt.

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