Chapter 9

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AN: Are school buses in America really yellow? And are they specific for the schools? Because in Australia, not speaking for the eastern states, we just catch regular public transport busses that take us as near the school as we can get...

I end up wearing the same cloths as the day before but along with an over sized sweater that Marie bought two years ago. It is large enough that it covers up the fact that I'm wearing a thin rope belt instead of a proper one. I put on some deodorant and leave my hair down.

I hesitantly shoulder my bag and twist the door handle,  thankful when the door opens and I am able to ninja walk down the stairs so not to be the cause of any unpleasant household members waking up.

"Sang, you are allowed one piece of toast." My mother snaps as she takes her cereal up to bed. I obediently grab the toast and eat it as I exit the house. I'd checked the time and the bus was due to come in less then five minutes.

I cross the street to the spot where all of the people on the street agreed with the driver to be picked up from, since it's in the middle, and wait a few metres away from Marie, who is chatting with a girl from down the street. The girls brother stands on the other side of the duo and shakes his head at something one of the girl said.

"Hey, I'm Nathan. I've noticed that you live a few houses down from me." A boy who I'm sure I know from somewhere tells me as he comes to a stop next to me.

"I just m moved in, I I'm Sang." I murmur, looking down. I hope to god my mother isn't watching through the curtains and that Marie wont' dob on my for having somebody talk to me.

"Do you catch the bus everyday?"

"Only if I come outside on time, otherwise I walk" I say quietly, still avoiding looking at this boy in the eyes. Right now I'm staring at the air next to his left ear, and I could promise you his hair is some sort of red. Now if only I could bring myself to look at his whole face so I could get a clearer picture.

"Aren't those words to live by?" He says with a laugh, I force a half smile and fidget with my bag strap. Why is this boy still talking to me? Why did he even start?

"Anyway, what are your thoughts on school so far?" 

"It's ok." I respond politely, shrugging, and staring straight ahead. I want to escape this conversation with the boy I'm sure is attractive based on his footwear choice and his left ear plus hair.

"Do you miss your old house?"


"Where was it you moved from exactly?" He asks, his voice in a slightly smaller tone.

"Illinois" I start tapping my thigh to release some nervous energy.

"Wow, it's a lot colder over there! What's the main difference you've noticed about the two places?" He asks, I still don't know why he hasn't stopped asking me things.

"I don't know"

"Wha-" He's cut off from asking me anymore questions by the yellow bus pulling into view and groaning to a stop in front of the small mob of kids. I smile slightly to the driver as I board and sit down about halfway through the bus, nowhere near anybody else who I know about.

I almost let out an audible groan when Nathan sits down in the seat next to me, closing me into the window of the bus. I pull out my book and start pretending to read to try and get him to stop talking to me.

"You like reading? I've got a friend , Kota, who likes reading too. He lives on our street but on the opposite of the bus."

A silence ensues for about a minute.

"Do you have any other interests?" 


"I participate in Martial Arts and Swimming, what sports do you like?"

"S Swimming?" I ask, peering over at him. If he has a pool maybe I could sneak in whilst he's at Martial Arts. Those do involve hour long lessons or something, right?

"Yeah, in fact, I've got a pool in the yard. We're having a get together tonight, some of my friends will be there. You should come." He looks really happy for some reason. I think for a moment.

"I'm not sure I'll be able to. I've got chores..." I mumble.

"Oh, feel free to come over anytime, I'm two houses to the left of yours. My friends will be glad for you to come, and I'd be happy to have you over."

"T Thanks." I smile up at him, before shrinking down into my book.

He lets out a humph and pulls out his phone. He types something with the sound on for the keyboard. Wow, he must be rich to have a phone at this age! But then again Marie has had a few...

The bus pulls to a stop and he lets me get off before him, I rush off and into the school.

Throughout the day all I can think about is Nathan's proposition. I can't think of anyone I know of called Kota.. I wonder who else his friends are. Perhaps I'll make my presence known at home and then sneak out.

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