Chapter 20

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AN: Hey guys, I can't believe this story is only up to chapter 20 when I still have so much plot left to give you all! I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for sticking with this story despite me not updating for ages recently, it means a lot to me!

Also, I just wanted to make you guys aware that I have posted the first few chapters of a new Ghost Bird Fic, called The Will To Live. Despite it starting out drama filled, it is going to be mainly fluff with all the guys.

Also, my exams are over so I'll be able to write guilt-free now, unless I get my results back and their bad... But let's not dwell on that, enjoy the story xx

The boys look dejected as they leave the house, half an hour after they arrived they had been kicked out by a half angry Uncle, who seemed to have adopted Sang almost immediately as his own child.

"So dear, I was planning on making a cake with a new recipe, care to help? I've been sorting out a menu for a Diner I'm opening."

Thinking of my love for cooking I nod, standing and letting him lead me to the kitchen. If I really was going to be living here now, I may as well do something I enjoy. I know there is no chance I'll be allowed to return home, my mother wouldn't allow it. She sent me away so easily too...

Shaking my head slightly to get rid of the painful thoughts, I focus on the spacious kitchen. Despite being larger then the kitchen at either of my previous homes, this one felt one hundred times more used. More loved. I smile faintly as I look at the hard countertop, fridge covered in magnets and photos of Henry with two young boys that look vaguely familiar to me.

This is what a normal families kitchen feels like.

Henry pulls out the written recipe that he had improved on and was trying to perfect. I couldn't tell how the dessert was meant to turn out, but decided it would be a good surprise, especially since I never really had the opportunity to make cake before.

He shows me where everything is in his kitchen and we get to work, he tells me stories about his family, his two nephews that he lives with. He tells me about plans for his business and how he is currently refurbishing trailers and homes. The more he speaks the more at ease I feel, until soon enough I am laughing more then I ever have in my life. Despite my healing throat, healing thoughts, his healing presence is all it takes for me to start meaning it when I smile.

His nephews, who I missed the names of, seemed like a hilarious handful. The older of the two was a troublemaker who liked to try his best to sneak up on people and break some kind of pranking record. The younger was exactly like one of those branded vegan Instagram bloggers, except some how he survived wearing mainly black and didn't have anything against meat.

His Diner, currently nameless, was going to be built in an unused church. He was aiming for a retro but modern style that would attract a variety of customers and wanted it to be a place where highschoolers and college students in the area would be able to work for a reasonable amount of money. The way he described it sounded like he was a five year old confessing to his parents that he wanted to go to the moon- except his dream was accomplishable in the near enough future and he knew it.

I was informed that the refurbishing was just something he was doing to pay the bills while he was working on the Diner. He wants to make more affordable houses for everyone, and buy buying these places and making them liveable again he feels he is doing the only thing he can to make that possible.

The best thing that I learnt from Henry during our first cooking session together, wasn't anything he told me verbally, no. I learnt that dreams are achievable, that my hopes aren't unrealistic and I can accomplish things during my life that I would have never thought possible if he hadn't told me about himself whilst we were cooking.

By the end of our cooking in the kitchen, we had made three versions of the same cake, each slightly different, so we could taste them and see which worked better. I was informed that his nephews were going to taste test them for us and that he had made the health conscious one promise to try it before he knew it would be cake.

Despite not knowing who these boys are I already feel like I have seen how their family is run, and I already hope that one day I'll be apart of something like it.

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