Chapter 17

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(I've updated all chapters from 14 onwards today so please go back and read them if you haven't yet)

Luke's POV
I could tell you why I'm dressed in my all black spy outfit and crossing the street to a certain blonds house, but that would ruin the excitement, wouldn't it?

Don't worry, I'm not exactly breaking into her house to say, I'm only peeking through the curtains. Having a snoop, seeing what her family is like. And it's just because I'm- we're! Worried about her!

See she's always bruised, and she's always unable to talk, and we all just want her to be happy.

I hope she already is happy.

Is it wrong of me to want her to be getting hurt by someone in school instead of her family?

I stop myself from daydreaming about how I would hurt any of those kids at school from hurting her if they even attempted to, and instead focused on the task at hand.

Peeking into the first window I find an unused lounge room, I can tell that it is rarely cleaned even though every thing is in its right spot. It is only there for appearances.

Moving on I see a small used kitchen, I'm about to leave this window when I spot Sang kneeling in the corner.

Did she drop something?

She's still wearing the cloths I saw her in at the end of the school day and still had the bandages on that Doc gave her, I don't know if that is good or not.

When she doesn't pick something up and stand straight away I settle in, confused. Why is she kneeling there? Maybe she couldn't find the thing she dropped?

An hour passes and Sang is still there, hardly moving the entire time. You almost wouldn't believe how the stillness could turn to a hurricane within an instant, how such a frail lady could break all my hopes for this girl.


Sang stands and goes straight up the stares without even trying to defend herself. I hope she knows that none of that is true, I hope she knows how perfect she really is. Yes, she is perfect, even if she had been ignoring my family.

I watch to make sure nothing else happens before heading back to Kota's house. They're having a family meeting and are airing for my arrival before they start.

Owens POV

We anxiously await the elder Taylor's arrival, eager to either confirm or deny Miss Sorenson's need for our family's help.

I need her to not need our help.

Despite being the member of this family with the least interaction with her, I know that some of our members are falling, some of them already depend on her existing.

I think I could grow to depend on her existence.

Suddenly the door opens, bringing the air think with unease to an all time high. Every member of my family leaning forward, all of them needing to know why Luke was gone for two hours instead of half of one.

"She's being abused by her mother."

This one sentence brings the room to a frenzy.

Before continuing I'd like to correct my previous statement. All of my brothers are somewhat dependent on her wellbeing, and entirely dependent on her existence. Myself included, perhaps.

"Report!" I bark, standing and sending an icy glare around the room to shut my brothers up.

"When I arrived she was kneeling in the corner of their kitchen, I observed to see how far it would go. An hour passed and she was still kneeling, her mother came into the room and was calling her a whore, telling her off for eating. She was sent to her room. I came back right after."

Luke looked as if he were about to break, he didn't want to think about what he had seen.

"Thank you. I have a plan to get her out. But first we all need to agree to help her, to make her a part of this family."

"I'm fucking willing!"

"I'll obey."

"Anything for my Pookie!"

Those were the most prominent signs of agreement out of the group, despite everybody jumping in to agree. I add my own sign of agreement before getting into the details of my plan.

"So it is agreed gentlemen, we will help Sang Sorenson. Now, I have a plan, so let's talk the details through.."

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