Chapter 21

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AN: Thank  you so much for 2k votes! When I saw it I had to update a chapter for you even though I wasn't planning to until I got all of my exams back..

Also what do you guys think about the new cover? Thanks @mademoisellax for making it for me!

Finally my cover is something more then a blonde girl I found off of google images XD

I find myself loosening up a lot around Henry, finding him the most comfortable I've been around a person, even more so then the librarian. We had cooked dinner and set the table, only waiting for his two nephews to arrive back before we put the food out.

"So Sang, are you ok with not heading back to school? I could enrol you elsewhere or even sign you up for online courses instead if you want?" We'd been chatting in the lounge, getting to know each other. 

"I'm actually already signed up for some online classed that the school wouldn't let me take. I just go to use the libraries computer." I tell him, the constant honey tea coming my way soothing it enough so I can talk more without it closing up.

"You're welcome to use my computer Sang, anytime."

"Oh thank you! I couldn't think of a way to repay you for all that you've done for me."

"Just help me with my menu sweetie, you're a really good cook!" I nod, dumbfounded. He really expected me to do something I love in return?

Just as I'm about to protest that it isn't enough, the front door opens and two familiar voices ring through the house- although I can't quiet place them. 

I follow Henry into the kitchen to grab a a plate of the dinner to bring to the table, tryign to be helpful. I sit down at the table and am soon joined by the two boys from my first class, Luke and North.

Now they'll tell Uncle about my bruises, not that I think he doesn't know, but having them shoved further into his face will make him throw me out. Get rid of me just like my 'mother' did.

"Sang!" Luke exclaimed, entering the room and sitting across from me. Their table was a large square, leaving room for only two people per side. I was glad Henry was already seated next to me.

I didn't say anything in return, as far as Luke knew I was still unable to talk. I sipped on my cup of tea, just having refilled it before they entered the room.

"Hello Lucian, I wasn't aware that you knew our houseguest?"

"Uncle, what do ya mean house guest? Is Sang staying here?" Luke asked, North was yet to say anything.

"I'd assumed Owen had told you, Sang is under the guise of going to a private school, instead she is going to live here for the foreseeable future." He said pleasantly, scooping some pasta onto my plate for me. So Luke and North and all of those boys knew Owen and Dr Green, how 'coincidental'.

"Is that right Sang?" North asked me, intense eyes focused solely on me. I nodded meekly, hoping that they wouldn't bring up anything more about my 'family' or why their friend had brought me here. The conversation halted whilst everyone was eating, but picked up again soon enough due to Henry inquiring about the boy's day.

I was informed that they had been working on a job, becoming competent with a handsaw was apparently one of the requirements and despite Luke thinking he was doing great North was eager to provide us with information indicating the opposite.

Before I could move from my seat Luke was already doing the dishes whilst Luke and Henry lead  me back to the front of the house towards my suitcase and backpack. 

"Lucian, if you could show Sang to the first Guest room, Sang, goodnight, Lucian will show you where your bathroom will be and I'll see you in the morning. If you could hold off unpacking as we still need to put some furniture in their for you besides the bed frame. You can choose tomorrow from the ones we've got outside, we refurbish people's homes you see." I nod meekly, signing a goodnight to him. He seemed to have picked up on my reluctance around the guys and hadn't questioned it yet, although I could sense that was only because they were in the room.

Luke was already carrying both my bags up the stairs, stopping to let me catch up at the top.

"I sign as well, didn't realise you could!" He told me, grinning happily. It seemed nothing could get rid of this boys smile. I'm not sure if that is a good thing yet.

I sign that I'd like to sleep, hopping straight into the pre-made bed as soon as I can close the door. I'm out like a light as soon as my head hits the pillow, must've been all that excitement surrounding the relocation as well as my day of baking.

Which reminds me, we forgot to try the cake!

AN: Sorry it wasn't much, just wanted to get something out to you guys as a thankyou :) I promise the next chapter will be much much longer!

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