Chapter 10

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AN: How do swimming lessons through schools in America work? How old are you when you begin them and are they mandatory?

In Australia they are mandatory unless your parent tells the school you already know how to swim and have done lessons before (I'm pretty sure anyway) and you do it In Primary school (Pre Primary until the end of year six). You can do it out of school at any age though.

The entire day my mind is filled with thoughts of finally swimming again. I haven't swam in years, not since I was doing lessons through the school at a much younger age. It's too much of something I desperately want to do to just ignore the invitation. It was an invite, it would be rude if I didn't go! And it's the first invite I've had in years...

That's it sorted then, I'll be going to Nathan's house after school. Hopefully mother will still be asleep.

Maybe his friends will also want to be my friends.

Maybe I'll make my first friend!

I'm filled with nervous energy throughout all my classes after I come to this decision and it takes everything in me to write down any of the homework.

I manage to catch the bus home, but Nathan isn't sitting anywhere that I can see. I'll just have to surprise him at his door then.

Rushing into the house I quickly ascend the stairs, placing my bag onto the top of my bed. I dig right to the bottom of my wardrobe and find an old black shirt that I don't wear anymore. I put on some shorts that I don't wear often either and tuck the shirt in so it won't flip up whilst I'm in the water. I touch up the makeup on my skin which is now exposed and bruised. The colours of my limbs aren't going to attract any friends that's for sure.

I grin into the mirror, ready to get into the pool.

Marie is in the kitchen and demands to know where I'm going. I just tell her that I want to explore the woods, she shrugs and takes her snacks to her room. At the sight of her food I'm painfully reminded that my stomach is empty. Maybe Nathan will let me eat at his house, that is if they are eating and offer me some.

I sneak around the house from the back door and quickly walk down the road to the house that Nathan said was his. I knock on the door, carrying my backpack with a change of cloths in them.

"Who's that?!" I hear someone shout through the house.

"I don't know, let me open the door first!"

The door opens to reveal the boy that sits behind me in Biology.

"Why hello there Angelle Mou, what can I help you with?"

I step back slightly and breath in before staring at his feet and saying. "N Nathan said I I could come over and swim."

"Well who the fuck is it?" I hear the familiar voice of Gabriel. I smile at him when his head pokes out under the giants arm. "Why hello Trouble, come on in!'

He grabs my arm and I flinch away. He just continues in and I follow as the giant steps aside for me to walk past him.

I walk through and see the brothers from my homeroom in the kitchen, Nathan already in the pool and the guy that has been knocking on my door is outside along with another boy. Everyone is shirtless and in swim gear and I'm sure my face is bright red.

"Hey Sang! Come on in!" Nathan calls from the pool. I smile and take a step forward before another voice bellows.

"Oi! I told you to eat first! Why are you in the pool already?!" I jump and spin around, seeing the goth holding a pair of tongs.

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