Chapter 24

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The final food had been removed from the table when North offered to make us his new milkshake idea. I had gotten the impression that this goth kid was a healthy goth kid, but I could be wrong?

He wandered off to the kitchen with Henry, leaving me alone with the rest of the boys. Earlier today even, this would have been an absolute no from me, but now, after Henry convinced me to give them a chance, I'm not sure how much I really mind it...

"Oi! Nate, we aren't watching any fucking zombie movies!"

"Gabe you aren't the one who gets to decide." Nathan rolls his eyes and I giggle slightly. 

"Hey Aggele Mou, what has you so giggly?" Silas nudges me slightly and I blush, straining my neck to look at his face. Honestly, who thought surrounding such a short girl with tall guys was a good idea? I'm definitely going to need to do something to stop my neck from hurting...

"Umm..." I mumble some nonsense words before looking away, only to make eye contact with Gabe. "Gabe, c can I get the art projects you're doing in class?"

He grins across to me, "Of fucking course Trouble. I'll even help your sorry ass, since we both know you can't do shit with a paintbrush."

I frown, crossing my arms as I glare at him. My inner goth is coming out, North better watch his back. I'm here to take his spot as Goth Kid!

"None of that shit trouble." I can't handle the pained look on his face and end up in another fit of giggles.

"Now now Pookie, remember I've got the cure for those" Dr Sean sends a wink my way and I have to cover my mouth with my hands to try to stop the giggles. 

North comes in with his new milkshakes and I grin, rubbing my hands together. 

"Umm, Sang? Are you alright?" I hear Nathan's voice but I don't acknowledge it, I'll only be alright if this milkshake is freakin delicious.

I take a long sip and cough, a surprisingly bitter taste in my  mouth.

"W Wha?"

"It's a veggie milkshake, so kids'll be healthy! You can't even taste the veggies can you baby?"

North looks so excitable that I can only nod slightly, mournfully looking down at the once sinfully delicious milkshake, tainted by the demon-spawn of vegetables. 

AN: Sorry it's so short, I was having a lot of trouble continuing it any further but I couldn't just delete it and move onto a different section, when I edit this one day I'll probably add it to the previous chapter, but for now... 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2017 ⏰

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