Chapter 8

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Wow. Summer holidays and I'm doing so much writing...

I wake up on Sunday to my Mothers screams.

"Sang bloody Sorenson! Get your fucking self down here before I have reason to shave your stupid hair off!" Startled I fall off of the bed and all my limbs hurt from the stress they're constantly placed under. I run downstairs as quickly as I can and skid to a stop in the kitchen in front of the woman herself. 

"Took you long enough, you aren't to leave your bedroom until you leave for school tomorrow." She glares down at me, shoving me harshly up the stair case. I quickly mount the stairs and enter my bedroom. "If I so much as suspect anything is out of place you don't even want to know what I'll fucking do to you."

She locks my door from the outside and leaves. I hear the car go and watch as the family leaves. At least I don't have to do my chores today.

I decide to do my homework, since it is still before noon- judging from the sun. I finish all of the work I printed off and take to lying on my floor, staring up out the window at the sky. 

It's then that it hits me. I have a window.

I open my window, after getting change into some jeans that are too big for me. I compensate by folding up the legs and tying some thin rope around my waist in place of a belt. I put on a pink shirt and climb out my window. Ahh, fresh air.

I sit about a foot out from my window on a flat part of the roof. I hear the sound of an approaching motorcycle and look at the large assembly of cars that are approaching curiously. A whole bunch of guys come out of the car, I recognise Gabriel from art as one of them. Some of the others I have seen around but I can't recall names from the top of my head.

"Oi, Sang! What're you doing up there?!" Gabriel shouts up at me. 

Startled I look down and notice all of the seven guys are looking up at me. I make a shrugging motion with my arms before scuttling back inside my bedroom. I'm about to close my window when I hear him shout again.

"I guess I'm going to have to call you Trouble now, eh?" I peek my head out the window and blush when I see him grinning up at me. I quickly fall to sit under the window, hugging my knees. He spoke to me. And was that a knick name?? What does he mean by trouble? Is it a bad thing?

I stand and turn my cd player on, some rock music comes on and I mouth along to the lyrics, pretending that my singing is as good as the lead singers. I start to dance a bit but stop when my body sends signals of pain to my brain. 

Instead I open the window back up to let in the breeze and lay on the floor, ignoring the pangs of hunger I feel and instead thinking of a story line to each plot. 

By the time its dark and my parents car pulls back in, I realise that I haven't heard any other cars today, which must mean all those classmates of mine who saw me up on the roof will still be across the street.

Oh well, its not like they will notice I didn't go outside at all during the day or even move from my bedroom... Only someone completely bent on mapping out my day would notice those things.

The front door slams and I hear the happy noises of Marie and my mother eating dinner, although nobody comes to unlock my door at least. I just hope someone will let me out before morning.

Next chapter it starts to get more exciting! I'll give you guys a hint... Nathan will be an important part of the next little bit of plot development! 

Can anyone guess what I'll have him do?

I'm probably going to have the next chapter up tonight or tomorrow, since I'll write it mainly now, but if I don't end up posting I just want to wish you all a merry Christmas! Thank you so much for taking the time to vote, comment and most importantly read my story ^_^

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