Serve Twelve

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Not only were you tired from PE and eating lunch with Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you now had to watch Volleyball practise. You had to help clean the classroom, too, but even so, you still had to go down to gym #2. You walk with Yuri to the school gate.

"Eh? Why do you have to go there? I want to walk home with you!" Yuri whines, grabbing your arm. You chuckle and pry her iron grip off your arm.

"Mums forcing me to help Satoru. I'd honestly rather head home with you and then read when I get in. But I can't, life's a sad thing." You shrug.

"Don't you have 3G on your phone?"

"Er... Well yeah, but it's only on 112MB and I don't want to waste it. Text me when you get home and we can chat." You wave to her as she leaves. Once she rounds the corner, you sigh in exasperation and make your way to the gym. You walk past the tennis court and your gaze wonders to your right, hearing shouting.

"Nishi-Kun?" You tilt your head at the brunet.

"(F/n)-chan?!" Noya jumps up, staring at you in shock.

"Erm... Hi, to both of you." You wave to Hinata.

"You know Nishinoya-san?" Hinata asks.

"Yeah, we went to the same junior high school. He was my Senpai." You smile to him. Nishinoya hadn't moved and seemed to be stuck in an odd pose. "Are you alright?"

"(F/n)-chan! Look at you! How do you do it?" He wails, placing his hand over his eyes, his other hand gesturing to you.

"Huh?" You and Hinata both stare at him in confusion.

"The girls uniform was cute before, but you look adorable! The blazer fits you perfectly, your jumper's too big for you so it flops over your knuckles. If only you wore a skirt!" He sounds like he's crying. You scrunch up your nose at him and look down at your uniform.

"It's comfortable like this. And you've seen me already, and about that, why did--"

"Noya-kun!" Satoru shouts, cutting you off. Your brother engulfs Noya in a hug and pats his back. "I know how hard it is for you, but she simply doesn't understand. She's our innocent dove stuck in a flock of crows." Satoru wails as the duo give each other manly pats.

"I'm so never wearing a skirt." You grumble, making your way towards the gym and past the third and second years. You take out a broom from the sports cupboard in the gym and help the other second years clean the floor.

"Are you guys happy about Nishi's return?" You ask as you leisurely sweep.

"Well, it certainly is more lively with him here." Kinoshita nods.

"As long as he's not creating anymore trouble for us to clean up." Ennoshita sighs. You laugh at that.

"He sure does get boisterous." You giggle. Nishinoya is playing about with Hinata, pulling random moves.

"So essentially,"Nishinoya begins. "You go zip, then go whoop, and pow. Like that." He said as he receives a ball. You sweat drop whilst you watch him.

"It's no good." Tanaka sighs. "He can't explain it because he moves purely on instinct."

"Really? I sort of understood what he said." Kageyama perks up.

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