Chapter 2: Unanswered Questions

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C h a p t e r 2 : U n a n s w e r e d 
Q u e s t i o n s

"What?" Armin widened his eyes. He expected her to start with something light as well, but why did he? Annie was always blunt.

Annie nodded her head.

"Um... I didn't want it to be you. I convinced myself I was hallucinating." Armin confessed. "I didn't want to believe it."

Annie narrowed her eyes at him, and then nodded.

Armin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "I'll leave you alone... Goodbye, Annie."

Quickly, her gaze was back onto him. "Do not tell anyone anything...Especially the crazy lady with the glasses." She whispered urgently. Armin found himself nodding, even though he knew he had to tell them.

"Bye Annie."

Annie watched him leave, and then fiddled with the ring on her finger. Everyone had forgot that it had the ability to draw blood, so she kept it.
Basically, she was able to turn into a titan whenever she felt like it.
But it's not like she would, she's deep underground, which is a bad spot for a titan. She's smarter than that.
Which is why she had to bide her time, and get them to trust her.
Because the scout regiment seemed all about trust.
To them, it was all they cared about. So once she gained their trust... She would escape.

"So, what did she say!" Hange exclaimed excitingly when the group returned.

"Nothing." Jean answered bitterly. "She won't speak, only nods and shakes her head."

"Tch.. Thats more progress then what we were able to get." Levi replied.

"What about you, Armin? She did request only your presence." Eren said, and all eyes were on the blonde.

"Did she say anything!?" Hange asked excitedly.

"... No. She just shook her head." Armin lied. He wasn't quite sure why, but he did.

"Ugh. What a disappointment." Levi remarked. "We're wasting time on the brat."

"I don't know why she would want to talk after you beat her up." Hange responded.

"She didn't even flinch." Levi shot back. "She's fine."

"Well, seems we did get by with more progress... So, meet here tomorrow. Same time. Now... Leave! Go to dinner or something!" Hange shouts, and they scramble.

"Nice, Hange." Levi looked at her. "Now they all think you're crazy."

"Well, everyone already thinks that."

"I'm included." Levi muttered.

"So," Jean said between bites of food, "what'd you guys think?"

"She's more trouble than she's worth." Mikasa responded.

"What do you think, Armin?" Eren asked his friend, who was staring at his food.

"Armin..?" Eren poked his shoulder.

"Gah!" Armin swatted his hand away. "Sorry.. What?"

Mikasa looked at him weirdly. "Armin. Are you okay..?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just a little out of it."

"Ever since that talk with Annie, we've all been a little on edge." Krista noted.

"A little? Armin... Did you lie to them... To us?" Connie asked.

"What!?" Armin widened his eyes. "You think I lied to them?"

"Don't be silly. Armin wouldn't do that." Krista smiled kindly at him, and Armin let guilt fill him.

"If she doesn't say anything, I'll kill her myself." Mikasa concludes casually.

"No you won't. We need her." Sasha says.

"Who's to say that? She killed Marco." Jean tightened his grip on his spoon.

"We will learn valuable information from her, so shut up and just eat." Reiner stated firmly. Armin picked at his food, as he contemplated why he lied. What's wrong with me...

"We've come a long way." Jean said awkwardly.

"Yeah, we have. Wall Rose is abandoned, we haven't been able to go to Eren's basement, Annie won't speak, and it's possible that we have more traitors in the midst. We've done a lot." Reiner commented angrily.

"Think on the positive side, Reiner." Krista encouraged.

"There is no positive side." Bertolt pointed out. "The Colossal and Armored Titan could kill us at any moment."

"Gee, that's so uplifting." Jean muttered.

"Well, they only have one wall to go through. If they make it through this wall... We're done for." Reiner said.

"Well stop, you're going to scare us all." Sasha glared at him.

"Okay, okay. I was just being realistic." Reiner put his hands up.

"Don't blame him, it was me too." Bertolt piped up.

"Oh whatever. Who cares? Armin, just tell us what's wrong." Eren said.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired." Armin replied, putting on a weak smile.

"Are you sure?" Mikasa raised her brow.

"let's leave him alone. I'm sure he doesn't want to speak.. It's not like we know what she asked him.." Krista said, and then muttered, "or how."

"Alright. Well, I'm going to head up to bed."

"Me too."



As Armin lay in his bed, he wondered why. He hated to admit it, but Annie brought that question up again. He had been wondering this too, but now that it was brought to his attention again....

"Armin, go to sleep..." Eren muttered.

"I wish I could."

Annie sat there, still bound. She wondered why Armin didn't notify the generals when he figured it out. He had gave an answer, yes, but she didn't believe him.
Then again, she had spared his life as well. She was still confused as to why she had done that.

"Hello Annie." Annie squeezed her eyes shut to ignore the lady.

"Why won't you just talk?" She asked, sadly. "We're going to have to move you soon if you don't talk. Then you'll be put under Levi's control... And he likes to take out his frustrations on other people. He is humanity's strongest solider."

Annie stayed still.

"Very well..." Hange sighed. "But Annie, I'll have you know that eventually, if you don't say anything... They will kill you."

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