Chapter 6: Just Like Last Time

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C h a p t e r 6 : J u s t  L i k e  L a s t 
T i m e

"Why did she reveal her village name?" Armin whispered to Eren as they continued to move.

"No idea... She didn't reveal where, though so it was kinda pointless..."

"But that information was obviously not something she'd want to share. Especially with Hange here..." Armin glanced at Annie.

Annie was staring at the ground, ignoring the whispers around her. Evidently, she knew everyone was talking about her, but she said nothing.
Hange would not stop talking about it. Levi almost wished that Annie hadn't revealed that information, because of how much she was whispering.

"Enough." Levi rolled his eyes. "Cut it out, everyone. We have more important things to worry about right now."

"Like what?" Armin raised a brow. "I don't think it gets more important than that village."

"That's not our assignment. We'll find it another day."

"Another day!? But we could be so close to it..." Eren protested.

"If you want to do it, be my guest. It's your choice. Are you going to trust in me, and my squad, or yourself?" Levi repeated his words.

"Last time I trusted in your squad, it ended up with them all dead.." Eren avoided Levi's stare.

Levi shut his eyes as he thought of Petra. "They knew the risks.. If you had trusted yourself, it would've resulted in the same outcome."

"How!?" Eren glared, enraged.

"Most likely, my team would've engaged the enemy to try and help you. However, Annie would've taken them out. It has the same outcome." Levi sighed. "It's your choice, again."

"I.." Eren was speechless. He'd never thought about it like that before. "I... I'll trust you guys.."

"Good." Scarlet said. "Because we've got a few variants headed our way."

"A few? Why are they only targeting us!?" Owen bit his lip.

"No idea." Armin huffed. He was about to ask Annie, but then decided against it.

Annie, knew what it was. She knew why everyone was only targeting their group... But that was not information she was willing to share.

"Alright. Get into a tree, out of reach of the Titans." Levi instructed. The group followed his instructions. Soon enough, four Titans found them. They began to claw at the trees, and try to climb.

"Scarlet, and Owen, get the titan on the left. I'll take the middle one. Hange, you've got the one with the eyelids. The rest of you, get the other one." Levi said before taking off.

"On it!"

Scarlet zoomed in front of the titan, distracting it while successfully avoiding its attacks.

"️You missed." She taunted.

Owen then swung up to the Titan, before slicing the nape of its neck, killing it.

"Who said I couldn't work in a team?" Scarlet called.

"Your turn!" Hange exclaimed gleefully, letting the Titan move first. When it missed her, she smiled.

"this won't hurt. My turn!"

She neatly sliced the nape, successfully killing it.


Armin and Eren began to approach the Titan, and while Eren was about to go in for the kill, Annie stepped in and killed it before he could.

"That was my kill.." Eren protested angrily.

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