Chapter 28: Reiner

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C h a p t e r  2 8 :  R e i n e r

The Armored Titan was a giant.

Of course, this was no surprise, but Annie herself had always been short. Even her Titan form was the smallest of the shifters...He leered over her, immediately punching toward her without an ounce of regret.

Annie dodged swiftly, and he went staggering away from her. He was slower than her due to his height and size, but not by much. Annie hardened the skin on her fist as she punched forward, directly striking him in his chest. It didn't even phase him.

"You're a traitor!" He roared telepathically, and while he was angry, Annie knew that there was just a sad, frustrated guy controlling the Titan. Just like her, he'd been put through hell, told that this was his destiny...they had all been wrong. It wasn't his fault. "Enough is enough. I'll kill you here!"

"You really want all of humanity to die?" Annie countered, ducking under his next swing. He kneed upward, and Annie hardened her foot as she kicked him. He blocked it with his own armored leg. "What about people like Armin? Do you think they deserve to die? We were once humans, Reiner. They don't deserve to be killed and eaten like this!"

"...This is inevitable. You know this," Reiner feinted a kick before throwing his arm forward,
full force. The blow hit Annie, who staggered backward under his massive might. "Whether it's us, or a group after us. Besides, you know he won't let us quit. It's not as simple as it seems!"

"Who is he to stop us now!? You, me, Bertolt, Saiko...we're all shifters! Kaira can hold her own, and we would have the strength of humanity on our side. That threat might have worked while we were less experienced...but look at us now!" Annie rolled out of the way of his next punch, quickly standing. With lightening speed, she dodged and shifted his weight against himself, throwing him to the ground. "We're powerful. All of us against one...he doesn't stand a chance."

"It doesn't matter how strong we are. He's too powerful," Reiner blocked her kick with his arm as he made his way to his feet once more. "He'll kill us all-"

A Titan fist suddenly struck Reiner from nowhere, revealing the Rain Titan, who sucker punched Reiner straight in the face. Annie kicked forward, wrapping her leg around his and shoving Reiner to the ground. Kaira swung forward, digging her two swords into Reiner's eyes. The Armored Titan growled, blindly trying to stand, but the two Titan's held him down.

"Saiko, Kaira!?" Reiner exclaimed in irritation, and Annie knew they only had so much time until his healing factor kicked in to restore his eyesight. "What is the meaning of this!?"

"I'm a human, in case you somehow forgot," Kaira just shrugged, running her sword against his armored skin. "And I trust Annie."

"If Annie believes we can do it, then Saiko will too!" Saiko said with determination and conviction in her childish voice. "Come on, Reiner. Saiko doesn't want to fight you. We can all fight together!"

"...We don't stand a chance," Reiner's voice faltered upon hearing how everyone was against him (with the exception of the absent Bertolt. "You know that. No matter what we do, we're nothing. He taught us everything we know!"

"At the very least, we won't die as pawns. Reiner, I know you don't want this. Think about all the people we've met and liked...Krista, Armin, Sasha, Connie...there are plenty of people just like them. We don't have to be soldiers that just fight blindly for him. With you and Bertolt...we can overtake him!"

Reiner paused, and then ceased resistance.

"We can't beat him..."

"...But we sure can try," Annie released her grip on his chest. "My father has been wrong this whole time, but unlike him, we can do something. We have power...and I refuse to fight against Armin."

"They'll kill us if we switched sides," Reiner stubbornly shook his head. "It's too late for Bertolt and I. We've killed millions."

"I'll guarantee your safety. Our military strength is invaluable," Annie responded. "After all, they let me go."

"...How do I know you're not lying about all this?" Reiner narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her. Annie sighed, lowering her fists.

"You don't. You'll just have to trust me."

"Like Saiko did!" The Rain Titan was casually destroying some Titans around her as Annie and Reiner had their confrontation. "Hurry up, already. Annie is always, always right! Quit wasting time, Reiner!"

Reiner shot Saiko a pointed look before he stood. Annie tensely held her arms up, prepared for another fight when he turned around. His glare was set for the Titans outside the wall.

"...You better be right about defeating him."

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