Chapter 23: Forming a Plan

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C h a p t e r   2 3 : F o r m i n g   A   P l a n

"Save us! Don't leave us here, please! Please, save us! They're coming! They're coming, run, run-!"

Annie awoke in a cold sweat, sitting up straight in a panic and clutching her chest. She sighed, brushing her blonde hair behind her ear as she clutched her head. She had a pounding headache, and no mater what, it didn't seem as if it was going to go anywhere. Part of her was conflicted on what to do. She could go to Armin's room (if her door wasn't locked by some miracle) or she could just stay here, wondering what to do.

Honestly, the second one sounded like a much better idea. She dreaded speaking to Armin, knowing that he'd try to pry the answers out of her. She was on Humanity's side, but she..she just couldn't betray Reiner and Bertolt like that.

Suddenly, a thought struck her. Reiner. Maybe not Bertolt, but Reiner had talked about the Scouts before. She knew Reiner held this place in fine regards, was he persuadable onto Humanity's side...?

It was a huge risk, and Annie knew that. If she failed, she blew her cover as a double agent. But it also had huge rewards. The Armored Titan and the Female Titan along with Eren all on Humanity's side? Even Bertolt probably would defect to Humanity if Reiner did. The real question was how was she going to persuade them? Or even if she did, was it enough to beat him?

She heard keys jangling in the door, and she laid back down, shutting her eyes so that whoever was entering would think she was asleep. The door creaked open, and then closed again, locking behind them. She opened her eyes slowly, making sure no one was there.

So they are checking up on me throughout the night. Figures that they still don't trust me...

She debated her options. The door was locked, but that could be easily unlocked with some manipulation from her ring. She could slip out of here easily, but then her trust from the Scout Regiment would be gone. No, it was better to wait and inform them of her decision. She couldn't afford for them to turn on her if Reiner and Bertolt realized her status as a traitor. She didn't need to be on both sides of fire for any reason. Just because she was an outcast naturally didn't mean she had to be.

She closed her eyes again, pulling the covers closer to her. She'd wait, and then she'd strike.


"Oi, brat. Wake up."

Annie awoke to an irritated Levi, who had bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. She wondered for a moment if it was from his insomnia, or from mourning.

"We've got training to do today," Levi continued, eyeing her to make sure she didn't do anything rash. "You've got to teach Eren how to better use his abilities."

"I need to speak to Erwin," Annie replied, rubbing her eyes that were still heavy with sleep. "It's important."

"You can tell me and I can relay it to Erwin," Levi told her coolly, not trusting her enough to let her near the captain. "Anything it is-"

"It's extremely important. It's information about traitors," Annie responded, keeping her eyes on Levi. The two glared at each other for a moment, before Levi sighed.

"Come with me. If I see you even try to move, I'll be on you faster than you can run."

"Can I change first?"

"Go for it. I'll be outside your door," Levi told her, heading outside and slamming the door. Annie didn't waste time grabbing her clothes, slipping on her white sweatshirt and military jacket, along with her pants and boots. Quickly, she threw her blonde hair up into a messy bun. She grabbed her silver ring, placing it on her finger before she stepped out.

"Let's go."


"Is something the matter, Levi?" The blonde leader of the Scout Regiment's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at seeing the two. "Annie."

"She's got something to say to you," Levi grunted, irritated. "Out with it, Annie."

She glared at him momentarily before focusing on Erwin again.

"I think I may be able to persuade some of my...former friends onto our side," Annie said carefully, making sure not to spill more than she needed to. "They may agree with our cause."

"Their names?" Erwin was fully aware that she could be saying there was a traitor. Annie hesitated.

She knew she didn't have much a choice, refusing to give away their names was pretty much a traitorous act in itself. What had she been thinking? There was no turning back now.

"Reiner and Bertolt."

I'm so sorry for never updating y'all. I wrote this entire chapter today cause I felt bad. I just had really bad writers block, I'm sorry.

Thanks for reading!

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