[0] prologue

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[May 31, 2014]

          “And the next song up, is Little Things!” My legs dangled from the platform on the stage, bright lights hitting my face continously, as the fans screamed in excitement. The mention of the song made me alert, and I hoped I played well. Resting the guitar on my lap, I got ready. “Here we go!” Harry shouted out to the crowd, making the screams increase. 

        “Your hand fits in mine, like it's made just for me. . .” I let the song escalade, not paying attention to the lyrics. My hand automatically played all the chords to the song. In some sort of trance, my eyes were fixed on the stage floor, as I played and played. I did everything possible to not pay attention at the lyrics, causing me to almost miss my solo.

       “You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you. And you'll never treat yourself rightI choked on my words, my voice tuning out. I shook my head, feeling the tears pool in my already itching eyes. The crowd went silent in less than a second, and I could feel the boys' eyes on me, worried. I shook my head with a small smile, knowing this was going to happen at least once. I looked up, to come across a huge arena, pin drop silence spread till far. “I'm sorry. . .” I whispered into my mic.

      Looking down at my guitar, I skimmed my hand on the lettering on it's surface. Printed in cursive, and blank ink was the name, Amber. 

      And two months back, I had her with me. Alive and breathing.

Okay, so this is my first story, well not really since the previous one got deleted but I doubt anyone was reading. Anyway, I really really like this idea and I hope you do to. The prologue probably doesn't sound interesting, but that's cause I don't want to give much away. Also, this story is copyright intended, and I'm pretty sure all of you know what that means. No copying :)

Please give me feedback down in comments thingy, I really want to know what everyone thinks!

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