[xix] till the end

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              [niall] [July 13, 2014]

   “We’re done with Europe, guys!” I licked my lips, rubbing my arms, and quickly took a chance to slip out of the crowd of people cheering as we finished yet another leg of the tour. I walked back into the open ground to find all the seats almost empty. It’s weird how just ten minutes ago there were groups and groups of fans screaming and cheering, and now it’s like a pin drop silence here. I pulled on my hood over my head because you never know when a fan might pop out from somewhere, and right now I wanted to be alone.


    Every little memory buried deep into my head found it’s way back to surface ever since that day, when I kissed Amber to calm her down. The next nine days after that, including five concerts as well, I have been highly unfocused. I can’t remember how many times the boys have told me to ‘come back to earth’ and also lost the count of how many times Lou has slapped me in the head to let me know my hair is done.

    Waking up with dreams of Amber and I, constantly thinking about them, every damn thing ridiculously reminding me of her and the mention of her making me oddly scared has just created a heavy feeling in my whole body and makes me want to vanish. It’s most definitely not awkward between us, no. And that surprises me. I thought she’d slap me in the face and storm out of the room that day, but instead she just sighed- I’m not sure if happily or sadly, and sat on the bed. Since then, we’ve been friends just like before but the only thing is, there’s small kisses added here and there. 

     That makes me wonder if I’ve done my job successfully, since I haven’t seen John lately. Even though I’m a mixture of being over the moon and scared both at a time, I kind of want to meet John and know what’s next. I’ve started thinking there’s something fishy about everything because a dead person simply doesn’t come back like that- as though someone restored their body and soul together and gave them their life back. And we all still don’t know how Amber came back.


     Though me and the boys have a few things listed down. And our top one is, it’s something John did. Except, she can’t remember us. That part of her memory, perfectly from a week before she joined, has been erased and that’s just too unreal.

     When she told me she saw something weird, something like a vision or memory, it shot my hopes high up into the space but she refused to tell me, saying she’d do so when she was ready. And I’ve been waiting for her to be ready for nine days. And I can still wait.


      For now, I just want to meet John and get my questions answered.


      “Hi,” A small voice squeaked behind me, and immediately turned around to see a girl standing there with the shyest face ever. She must be around eleven or so, and she had a paper- more like a picture in her hand. I was about to ask if she wanted a picture, and also where her parents were, but she quickly placed the picture in my hand.


      “Where did you get this?” I asked, not looking up from the picture of Amber and I. And, it was not even a recent one, it was from when we had recently started dating and I don’t know why my life had to be so creepy and complicated. I thought all evidence of us dating had been wiped out.

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