[xx] kisses

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             [amber] [July 18, 2014]

    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade out of it- are the last few words I remember my mother telling me, and I didn’t quite think a lot of it until now. Now, these lemons can be anything. They can be something as simple and joyous as food, or a horrible emotion like betrayal. What to make of it, is of course, in your hands. But what I was being given here were different kind of lemons- let’s say purple lemons- and I didn’t know what to make of them. They were random flashes of vision I’ve been getting lately- instigated from the day Niall and I kissed.


    As amazing it was- even though I won’t verbally admit it and haven’t even spoken to anyone about it since there’s no one else as trustable as Faith and we’re not on good terms right now- I kind of wish it didn’t happen because it’s sent me in a non-stop spiral of these visions- is what I call them- and what I get out of it is only headaches. I haven’t really been able to figure out much even after I’ve written each down in a small book I have.


     They come out of nowhere and everything around me disappears completely, and it’s like I’m in some film theatre, where it’s only me and I’m being forced to watch these visions. At first they didn’t make sense, but then I realised that all these had never happened before, and they were still including everyone I met lately. Like Niall, and the rest of the boys.


     I know I’ve never been grocery shopping with Niall- why would I do that? I know I’ve never been out clubbing with all the boys and Faith, I know I haven’t ever been on a date with Niall- as much as I’d love to, and I know I’ve never snogged Niall either and I swear, if these visions keep getting intense I’ll be scared to paralysis. I mean- these could be the future- but why would whoever is showing them to me, want to show me my future? It makes no sense and all I’m left with after so much thinking, is nothing.


    Zero. Zilch.


    And to add to it, Niall’s been like, leaving me random kisses which seriously twists up my brain because he really needs to fucking make his mind up and decide if he wants to make it official that we’ve been kissing- or back out. I mean, no one knows yet so what they don’t know, wouldn’t hurt. But what will hurt is Niall not making up his mind.


     I thought liking someone was easy. How wrong I was.


     “Deep thoughts brewing up there,” I looked up from my little book- the one which had all my visions noted down, and quickly shut it close. Lou entered the room with Lux’s small feet paddling behind her as she toyed with her blonde hair, and let out a squeal at my sight.  Running into my lap, I noticed the small stuffed toy in her hand she was busy playing with as well. Since me and Faith aren’t in any shape or mind to share a room- which is killing me and I’ve been trying to figure out how to solve, might I add- I bunked with Lou and Lux all these days. I don’t mind at all- it’s nice making new friends and I also get to know more about Lux since there will be more looking after her after the break we have.


      “You know how things have been with Faith...” I muttered, pushing the book into my handbag, and zipping it close. The whole crew was heading back to England- to enjoy what time had been given with family, friends and maybe on one’s own. Though I had a big question mark in front of me- what was I supposed to do? I had mingled with all these people so quickly, I didn’t want to go back. Even though I know it’s just a short break.

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