[ii] hallucination

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 [June 1, 2014]

          This morning has been monotonous for me, just like every other. The moment I woke up, my body felt tired and exhausted but I wouldn't question it at all. It's was just normal to feel this way and I had slowly grown accustomed to it. The only thing I still didn't really adapt to is the constant silence and dullness in the flat. The first thing I decided to do is fill my growling stomach with some food, which would probably even help distract me from certain things I don't wish to think about right now.

         After taking out some leftover pasta from the previous day, I put it for heating and patiently waited there. I wouldn't really eat something like breakfast since it was almost noon now, and I don't really know how I slept so long without even waking up once in the middle of the night. I slept for straight sixteen hours and that slightly worries me; maybe I was really very much in need of it.

         I found myself sitting in the living room on the sofa, quietly gulping down the contents in the bowl all by myself. My eyes blankly fixed on the television screen which wasn't even on, the bowl almost dropped out of my hands as my phone vibrated in my jeans. I didn't even change last night. Great. Placing the bowl aside I decided to check my phone, and it was a text from Liam. I rolled my eyes, it was him probably reminding me of the concert tonight, but as if I didn't know. This was our last concert in London and after a four day break, the next one was in Stockholm. I'm really grateful that this time we have small breaks before travelling to a new place. It can get very hectic sometimes.

Me and Faith are coming over. It's important.

          That's weird. Everything was fine till yesterday. What could be that important, and so important that they needed to speak to me? It made me feel like an advisor or something, but oh well, guess I'll find out. Not really thinking much of it, I continued eating my pasta deeply sighing occasionally, just trying to feel better I guess. I haven't felt exactly good or happy in quite a time. 

          In mere ten minutes, the doorbell rang. Quite rapidly and one ring after the other, making me groan. I already had a slight headache due to so many things on my mind― like the man, John, last night. Whom I tried not to think about. And now this. Pulling my body up from the sofa I trudged lazily towards the door, and pulled it open. The scene actually grew me worried now. Faith's head hung slightly low with her hair messed up and all over the place, and her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Clearly she was crying. Sniffs were heard from her as Liam did his best to calm her down, rubbing a hand on her shoulder.

         “What's this all about?” I asked still sleepily, rubbing my eye.

       “Can we come in first?” I nodded at his question, and inched aside to let the two walk in. Liam pulled her in by the hand and I looked away to close the door. As I headed back I saw the two situated on the sofa with Faith's hands around her head. Liam was sitting there not knowing what to do. He looked beyond confused and to be honest, it felt like he didn't know what the matter was either.

       “Do you want water or something else?” I asked. Faith shook her head, timidly looking up. She looked scared, a lot actually. 

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