[xvii] best friends

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 [July 4, 2014]

      Nine days. Nine days and four shows later, I still haven't been able to make it right with Faith. It seems she's taken it deep to the heart, everything that I said. I know once said words are like arrows, they can't be taken back. But a grudge can be, and I really hoped Faith would. The look she gives me every time I try to talk to her holds me down and downright kills me.

       There hasn't been a phase like this in a long time. We haven't fought for this long in years, and it's so depressing. It's right what people say. You realize the value of a person when you don't have them anymore. I know I'll make it right between us, but now that I know the seriousness, it's going to take some time. I suddenly realized how I've always taken her for granted, and that was the worse thing you could do. And then it makes me think, what if this was the last straw for her?

      I'm not ready to lose Faith who's like a sister to me, right now. Never, actually. Niall doesn't hesitate before reminding me and making me feel guilty about the whole matter either.

       Here in Berne, Switzerland, one of Niall's favourite place to tour at, he was really happy since I started the tour. The happiest I saw him actually. Before the concert started he was really hyped up as always, but that didn't mean he forgot about other things. While me and Lou were in the dressing room setting everything up, while Faith quietly worked on selecting the boys' outfits with the head stylist Caroline, the boys tumbled in in excitement. 

     While they prepared for the concert and when it was Niall's turn to get his hair done, he didn't forget to slip in a whisper into my ear about the apology. He gave me a defeating look and left the room when they were about to start, and I wondered if it was from my behalf that I was a little weak in trying to aplogize. But as much as I tried, Faith resented back just as much. It felt like she.. hates me. 

       Later Niall texted me that we should meet up at a nearby restaurant he had sent me the adress of, and I knew this would be about Faith. That's all we've been talking about lately and I would really like it if we spoke about something else. So I decided I would tell him that. After the concert, Niall straight up headed there but since I was in the crew and looking after Lux as well, I had to wait a little further making sure nothing was left behind.

     After that, I didn't head back with the crew to the hotel and made my way to the restaurant he called me at. I wasn't surprised to see that he was already gulping something down, and I noticed the chips on his plate as I neared the table.

     “Sorry—” He gulped. “I got really hungry and it was a tiring concert.” He grinned sheepishly, as I sat down. 

     “It's okay,” I laughed, placing my bag at the side. I decided to tell him straightaway that I wasn't a mood for a lecture about Faith today. “Look, Niall. Is it okay if we speak about something else today? Maybe we can discuss about Faith later...” I sent him a weak smile, not knowing what his reaction would be.

     “Yeah, that's why I called you here. We really need to catch up in general,” I sighed in relief. “Chips?” He offered, and I happily obliged as I grabbed two crispy chips, dipping them in the side-dish of ketchup. “I'm really sorry I've been pushing you to do something about the matter when it's between you and her, but it's the best for you. But I won't after this. When you do apologize, you can come and tell me that. I'll be only waiting. Now, let's move to another topic.”

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