Chapter 4 geting lost in a store

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                          Joy's  POV
I was at the store with my mommy and daddy and we were walking around I really had to go to the bathroom I pulled on daddy's pants leg and said "I need to go potty." He said "okay mommy will take you." I went over to mommy and she took my hand and we walked over to the potty we got there. I walked in and went potty.

Then I came out and washed my hands with mommy's help because I couldn't reach. We walked back over to where daddy was, we walked pass the toy isle I walked into the toy isle looking at the dollies then I noticed that daddy and mommy weren't there. I started looking for them and I couldn't find them any where I started panicking which lead to crying. I went back to the toy isle and just sat there and cried then someone picked me up I screamed and daddy said "shh it's me sweetie your safe now." I hugged him and said "sorry daddy for running away." He said "it's okay baby it's okay we found you that's all that matter now let's head home."

Daddy held me the whole time as mommy paid for the things we got then daddy and mommy carried everything out to the car. We got to the car and daddy buckled me into the car seat. Daddy got into the car and so did mommy then we headed home. We got home and daddy brought me inside and turned on the tv I sat on the couch and watched tv while mommy and daddy brought the bags inside.

Then daddy sat next to me on the couch. There was a knock at the door daddy got up and got it and it was my uncles!!! I haven't seen them in a long time. I ran to uncle Harry he caught me and said "I missed you." I said "I missed you too." Then he sat on the couch and we watched tv.

Then daddy called us all in for lunch we went in and uncle Harry put me in my highchair we ate, after that uncle Liam got me out of my highchair and I went outside with my uncles. I was just running around and goffing around with my uncles. Then we headed inside I got some water and then I colored in my coloring book and made pictures for my uncles.

After that we watched a movie I wanted to watch once it was over. My mommy made us dinner once it was done she called us in and we all ate. After dinner daddy took me upstairs and gave me a bath, after that he picked out my pjs and put them on me then brought me downstairs and we watched another movie. After the movie was over I fell asleep on uncle Niall and he brought me upstairs and put me in my bed.

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