Chapter 17 wanting custody over joy

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Louis's POV
I was making breakfast when there was a knock on the front door I went to get it and it was Danielle I said "what do you want?" She said "can I have joy I miss her and she is my daughter too." I said "you can have her for the day but I want custody over her." She said "no I do I never get to see her Lou." I said "you'll see her for The day now since I'm going to the studio." She said "is Eleanor not here?" Looking around for her I said "no she's in london watching the dogs." She said "oh I get her the whole day." I said "yeah you do but bring her back not to late." She said "no promises because knowing you you'll be in the studio for hours." I rolled my eyes and let her in joy was eating and ran to Danielle and said "mommy." Danielle hugged her and said "hey baby girl I missed you so much." And kissed her cheek Joy said "I missed you to daddy can I be with mommy for the day?" She said looking at me with puppy dog eyes I said "yeah you're spending the day with her since I have to go to the studio today." She squealed and hugged me and said "thank you daddy." And kissed my cheek and then went upstairs with Danielle and I left heading to the studio I got to the studio. I was there for the whole day when I got home I showered and got into my pjs then there was a knock I knew it was Danielle and joy, joy was asleep so I let Danielle in to put her to bed she walked down and said "lou can I please have full custody over her you already have a child I don't please?" I said "Danielle we both signed the adoption papers I want to see her to we'll split it half and half like we are doing ok this is working out better." She said "but Lou.." I said "no but's Danielle I'm done talking about this is how it's going to work." She said "fine then let's get back together so I can see her more than I do now cause you have her the most out of the two of us." She said with her arms crossed I sighed and turned around and  said  "Danielle that's not going to happen I love and I have Eleanor I moved on I think you should too you'll still be able to see her as much as you want this is how it's going to work bye Danielle." She then left then Eleanor called me and I fell asleep while talking to her. Glad I got that sort out with Danielle I love joy just as much as she does she needs to live with how it is now.

Adopted by Louis Tomlinson and Danielle CampbellWhere stories live. Discover now